Acting Head of Senior Years

Mr Rodney Latham

Our Industry & Enterprise class recently put their employability and enterprising skills to the test when together as a class, ran a variety of class projects, turning over their revenue streams into further profits. Their ongoing Enterprise tally has so far raised just over $700 for various charities. One of the many highlights was the Year 10 and 11 Volleyball Challenge that brought many senior students together as a community, each donating a gold coin to play for the Children of Ukraine. 


As we have moved into the VCE external exam season for Year 12 students and we are rapidly approaching the internal exams for Years 10 and 11, I find this instigates reflection on life and performance – for teachers and students. 


A few years ago, I read a good small book entitled Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance where the author, Atul Gawande, offered some simple clear insights on how anyone can improve his or her performance. 


1. Ask unscripted questions – shows you are curious and that you want to learn.  

2. Don’t complain – just get on with it.  

3. Count something – that is, intentionally research and learn (about whatever you like).  

4. Write something – it makes your thinking clearer.  

5. Change – if you do not like something, change it. You are an agent, not a victim. Change. 


Recognising that life is a journey, so is performance. So, despite wherever we are currently on that journey, we may consider where we want to go toward next and what performance that requires. Let’s all keep at it. 


This reminds me of Hebrews 12 where the author writes:  

Do you see what this means – all those pioneers who blazed the way, all these veterans cheering us on? It means we’d better get on with it…start running – and never quit! (The Message


Note: We encourage the parents of Years 10 and 11 students to review the Signmee regarding the SY exams upcoming later in November.