Djerap Faction Assembly

Today’s Faction Assembly was special with a few surprises.  It was called the Djerap Assembly because djerap means bird in Noongar. The bird theme was important because, it was announced today, that our school would be co- naming our learning blocks in Noongar language with signage to be added to the buildings by the start of next year.  Our special guest and former Burrendah student, Alton Walley talked to us about the importance of these birds to our local area and how we need to look after them. Our National Anthem was sung in both Noongar and English led by the students from Rooms 25 and 28 wearing their hand painted shirts with Noongar symbols.


The grand finale of this assembly was the Indian dancing which was choreographed and performed by the year 6 girls themselves. We would like to congratulate and thank Enayya, Eleena, Fiona, Vidula and Aleena for their excellent performance. We all loved it!