Classroom News

Year Prep
In Maths this week, the Year Prep students have been learning all about money. The students have been looking at all the different coins and notes we use, and have been identifying what is on each coin and note. Connor knew that "100 cents makes up one dollar!" This topic has also linked to our Inquiry topic on Living & Non-Living Things, as the students quickly realised that most of the Australian coins have Australian animals on them! They have taken part in various hands on activities this week, a huge favourite being these coin puzzles pictured below!
Year One
Wow! Look at our crazy socks! The Year 1's didn't disappoint today with their colourful and crazy socks. Along with the rest of the school we did our part to help raise money to fundraise for Catholic Mission Australia's Socktober. Our fundraising efforts will help to support families and vulnerable children in Ethiopia, facing malnutrition and food insecurity.
Socktober provided a great connection to our learning. Recently during our Religion lessons, the Year 1's have been learning about how Jesus helped others. We have been talking about how we can help and look after nature, animals and the people in our world. Socktober is a great example of how we as a class and a school can help others.
Year Two
Pig's Week 8 Adventures
As part of Year 2's Show and Tell this term, 'Pig' from the 'Pig the Pug' collection, has begun visiting the students' homes. Pig has had a very big week this week, from celebrating a special family birthday, to learning how to play the piano, eating lots of yummy food, reading books, playing lots of fun card games and even a trip to Northland! We can't wait to see what he gets up to next week!
Year 3/4
For Soctober Day, we wore crazy socks to school! It was really fun to see everyone in silly socks. Roman
Crazy Sock Day is a very fun day where all the kids can show their silly socks to the whole school. We collect money for Catholic Mission. Veer
It was awesome playing soccer on Crazy Sock Day. The soccer ball was made of clothes and plastic bags. It was like the game 'pass the parcel' with all the layers of clothes that made up the soccer ball. Isabelle
It was nice to see everyone putting effort into their socks and then everyone bought a gold coin to raise money to help Catholic Mission. Gail
Crazy Sock Day is a brilliant day. Me and my sister Georgia got to design our own funny socks at home. Yianna
Year 4/5
They say that students write from experiences that has an impact on them.
Well here's an example....
By Roery Villegas
Chapter 1 ~ The Sports Carnival
Last Friday, the whole school and I were starting to cross the road to Parade College (Parade College is on the right hand side and Sacred Heart is on the left hand side) to play athletics sports. I was wearing my red sports uniform because it is my team color.
When we entered Parade Collage, it was big and the soccer pitch was huge. Then, that's when I noticed something on the other side. “What’s that on the other side?” I asked Marty. Then something strange happened. There was a black thing that was moving. Before I could take a guess, Connor started to pull me back. “Nah,” he said. “That’s not even interesting at all. Come on Roery lets go, the games are starting.”
“Hey!” I yelled. “Let me go!” But he didn’t respond, he was still dragging me to a strange kind of shelter that said “Freeman” (Freeman is the name of my team's color. It was named after the famous female runner who won the Olympic gold medal for running and she was the first Aboriginal woman to do it). I was nervous to play the games that James had organized for us. I was nervous that I might come in last place.
Chapter 2 ~ The Warm Up
The games started, we had a practice run. After five minutes, we started to sweat.
“Marty,” I say. “Can we have a rest? I’m so tired!”
“Sure boys,” says Marty “You’ve all deserved it.”
“Ahh!” says Enock who was starting to relax. “Finally a break at last!”
We were all so relaxed until we heard a toot sound.
TOOT! It went. “What was that?” asked Michael. “That's the whistle which means it’s time to go back to our groups.” says Marty.
Chapter 3 ~The Events
So that's when we ran back to the red tent and waited for the instructions to be given. When James (our coach) finished giving our instructions, we went to our next group challenge. Our next challenge was to keep the soccer ball in our feet while going around the cones. When the coach blew the whistle we started to move, well except for me. I accidentally knocked over one of the cones, but I did go pretty go 100% good.
Chapter 4 ~ The Obstacle Course
The next activity was the obstacle course. “Ha!” I say “You won’t be good at that! Huh?!” “We’ll see about that!” says the other teams. I didn’t know what I was doing. Connor was cheering my name, this is the… Ohh yeah! Time of my life! I start my super fast shoes, and I went really fast.
Chapter 5 ~ The End
The carnival was over and Whitten had won the prize of the trophy. I went home exhausted, but it was a fun day!
Year 5/6
Inquiry Topic - Climate Change
Here are a couple more pages of the Big Books the Year 5/6 students are making on Climate Change.
By Amelia and Ahan
By Liam and Ria
By Julian