Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
Prayer For The Election
Heavenly Father, You are the source of goodness, justice and truth. We thank you for the many freedoms we enjoy in Australia, including free and fair elections.
We entrust to you the State of Victoria and all who live within it. We pray for the gift of wisdom ahead of the upcoming election. Guide us in our deliberations, so we may seek to elect representatives who will work tirelessly to pursue the common good in all things.
We pray for all those standing for election and their families. May all elected work diligently to build a more just society. May our local community of Victoria be a place where peace and justice flourish, religious freedom is respected, and all people, -especially the most vulnerable are valued, respected and cared for.
And may we each renew our commitment do the same ourselves – following the example of Your Son, Jesus Christ, in all things.
Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
We congratulate our Year Three students
Jasmine Gail Martina Aleisha Maxie
Roman Lauren Katelin
who made their First Reconciliation last Thursday in a spirit filled ceremony. We pray for these students and their families as they continue on their faith journey
Athletics Day At Parade Preston
Thank you to all our parents who joined us last Friday for our school athletics carnival. We all enjoyed a great day of fun filled competition with its emphasis on participation. Congratulations to team Whitten who won the sports with the most points accumulated throughout the day. Thank you to our physical education teacher James for organising a great carnival and to Parade College for allowing us to use their facilities.
Thank You To Family Disco Sponsors
Christmas Carols
A very special time each year in our school calendar with the celebration of the season of Christmas, is our Christmas Carols event. We know that there are schools and kindergartens that are increasingly choosing not to acknowledge Christmas. We hold the season to be most important for those of us of the Christian faith and see the singing of carols as a ritual steeped in tradition. Next Thursday night at 6.30pm, we welcome all our families to join us as we commence celebrating the joyous season of Christmas. We would love to see all our students and their families in attendance.
Election Day Cake Stall
Our school will act as a voting venue this Saturday, 26th November. Our hard working, passionate Parents and Friend's group are holding a cake stall as a fund raiser on the day. . We please ask
- Cakes/slices/biscuits be brought to school tomorrow Friday 25th November (after school is fine)
- Cakes, etc. are not to require refrigeration
- Cakes, etc. are not to have fresh cream as an ingredient
- Cakes, etc. will need to have ingredients specified and attached to item
- A list of ingredients needs to be attached to all cakes (all children will bring home a hard copy of ingredients template today)
If you are coming to vote at Sacred Heart Saturday and would like donate some time helping at the stall, please let either Jodi or myself know. We are planning to sell cakes from 9.00am until approximately1.00pm.
School Fees
All parents and guardians will have received an invoice for this term's fees and any outstanding fees from previous terms. If you have paid your invoice for the year, I would like to thank you. I ask that if you have outstanding fees that your account please be settled in the coming week. We try and keep our fees as reasonable as possible and this relies on all families honouring their fee commitment.
Lunch Orders
Please be reminded that lunch orders will conclude for the year after tomorrow Friday 25th November. Lunch orders will recommence in 2023.
Lost Property
In the next few weeks lost property items that have no name indicated are going to be washed and offered as second hand uniforms. If your child has been missing a piece of their uniform, I ask that you have a look through lost property in the coming week.
School Closure Day
A reminder that next Friday 2nd December is a school closure day. Staff will be working on preparation for the 2023 school year.
Joke From The Parish Bulletin
I took my 8-year-old daughter to the office on 'take your kid to work day'. But when we walked into the office she started to cry. Concerned staff gathered around and I asked her what was wrong. She said: "Daddy where are all the clowns you said you worked with"?
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney