Student wellbeing

Pauline Cutajar, Deputy Principal, Student wellbeing and Development

Thank you

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students and families for their support throughout the 2022 Academic Year. I feel incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to work alongside each of you this year. It has been a privilege to experience a regular Shelford year including many of the traditions, programs and rituals that make Shelford the extraordinary place that it is. I wish everyone in the community a well-deserved and restful Summer break. I hope that you are able to find the time and space to spend time with the special people in your lives, after what has been such a busy year. 

Uniform Update

I am pleased to advise that we are on track for the release of our new short-sleeved blouse and shorts early in Term One 2023. I will update you in the new year regarding the details and when they will be available in store.


Please take some time over the Summer to ensure that your daughter has all of the required uniform items for the commencement of the school year. The current School diary is a great resource regarding uniform requirements, including hair and jewellery requirements. Please pay particular attention to the permitted earrings; only a maximum of two plain sleepers and studs are allowed to be worn in the earlobes. Nose rings are not permitted.

Year 9 2023

Toorak Uniting Church has conducted the Dancing Class for more than 40 years.  The classes were initiated by a group of parents with students at Melbourne Grammar, Scotch College and St Catherine’s to provide an activity where teenagers could meet others of their own age and make new friends in a happy, safe and secure setting. Over the years the classes have expanded and many friendships have lasted until the present time.


Social dancing, including traditional and modern ballroom styles, is taught by a well-qualified, enthusiastic team of dance instructors. The classes are conducted from the floor and with the use of modern equipment staff readily establish a rapport with the students. Students are encouraged to mix socially in a polite and relaxed manner and enjoy the experience of learning to dance.


The young people attending the classes come from a wide range of schools and there is a unique mix of students which encourages the formation of new friendships. Each class is usually limited to 40 girls from Year 9 and 40 boys from Year 10. Classes are well supervised and students are issued with a laminated entry card incorporating a passport type photograph which is presented each night on arrival. A roll is maintained and an attendant randomly telephones the parents of pupils who are not present if prior notification of absence has not been received.


In 2023 Toorak Uniting Church will be conducting classes over both school semesters, the first over Terms 1 and 2 and the second over Terms 3 and 4. These classes will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings in the first semester and Tuesday or Thursday evenings in the second semester usually from 8.00 to 9.30 pm. Classes are not held over the school holidays, or while school camps take place and every endeavour is made to fit around school activities. Please note these classes are organised and supervised by Toorak Uniting Church and Shelford Staff will not be in attendance. 


There are 8 lessons in each semester and the total cost including GST is $220.00. A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required upon enrolment application. Please note enrolments can only be processed when the enrolment form and the deposit has been received. Payment details are listed on the enrolment form.


Bookings are now open for 2023 classes. Places will be allocated in all classes in order of receipt of enrolment and deposit. Please complete the enrolment form (which will be emailed to Year 8 Parents/Guardians), finalise your deposit payment and email the form to as soon as possible. If your child has a friend with whom they would like to attend, please return both forms (with identical class preferences listed). 


A formal dance is held at the end of each semester. These dances are well supervised and the guidelines for student behaviour established at the Dancing Class apply. Admission is by a separate pre-purchased ticket and only members of the Dancing Class may attend.   


If you have any queries, please contact Lin Cooper at the church office by email

Pauline Cutajar

Deputy Principal – Student Wellbeing and Development