Year 7 and 8 DAV Debating

Year 7 and 8 students had opportunity to participate in the Junior Secondary Debating Program (JSDP) in Term 4. The JSDP is a training course for students in Years 7 and 8, run by the Debating Association of Victoria (DAV). The program offered training to students in formal debating, providing a comprehensive and very practical introduction to debating. Students participated in three rounds of practice debates adjudicated by experienced DAV adjudicators, who provided constructive advice to the debaters on their technique.


Teams of three debated a set topic against a team from another school. The topics were:

  • That smoking and vaping should be banned in public spaces;
  • That the Schools Spectacular is a waste of resources; and 
  • That the pay of professional sports players should be capped. 

Each speech was assessed based on the manner, method and matter of the argument presented. One team debates the topic in the affirmative; the other in the negative. JSDP speeches ran for 4 minutes with a warning knock at 3 minutes and continuous knocking at 4 and a half minutes. 

Shelford had a team of 22 Year 7 and 8 students. The girls didn’t win every debate, but they did win nine of the thirteen competitive debates run. There is no ranking nor finals in the Junior competition.This program challenged many to think about contemporary issues, to be more quick witted and to think carefully and clearly through a team line of argument. It has been a fitting introduction for many to the opportunity available in debating and at Shelford (especially after COVID). The girls, most of whom are depicted below, worked collaboratively in preparing team arguments and they have worked hard in crafting their own arguments. Each girl spoke well; with conviction and poise. I am proud of each girl for the way in which they have conducted themselves and for the manner in which they have represented our school community. They were all magnificent.


Tristan Hill

Middle Years Coordinator