Across Campus 

Justice, Clubs, Excursions


It was wonderful to welcome back all students to the McAuley Resource Centre this week, especially the Year 7s.  Even with masks on, the enthusiasm showed in their bright eyes as they explored and discovered the library for the first time in their orientation sessions.  Lots of questions blended with excitement was observed.  We look forward to a productive year working with all the students with the joy of reading and research.


Please look out for the notices in the “Daily Messages” for information about our Book Clubs and special events coming soon.


Just a reminder that all items borrowed over the holidays are now due back.  Overdue notices will be automatically sent out on Monday.  Happy Reading! 


Ms Anne Chowne & Ms Cathy Bennett

Co-learning Leaders


We are appealing for much needed contributions of textbooks, scientific calculators and uniforms. If you have discovered unrequired items from your summer holiday clean-up, we would be appreciative of any relevant items suitable for our students this year.


If you are happy to contribute, please bring your pre-loved items to Student Reception at your earliest convenience. 

If you have any questions please contact me at Student Reception: -


Ms Anne Marie Allan

Student Reception