
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL, Wellbeing & Operations


I hope that during the Christmas break you were able to all catch up with family and friends and you were also able to find some time to rest and relax after a second tumultuous and unprecedented year. 


Unfortunately, COVID is still with us and it continues to have an impact on how schools operate. However, as the Victorian Government has stated, remote learning is now hopefully a thing of the past and the absolute final resort, with face-to-face teaching being one of the main priorities. Of course, the second important priority is the health and wellbeing of all in the Academy community. This takes many forms from Safe COVID practices to travel, Mentor Groups, Mobile phone use, Student Wellness plans - even Hot Weather & Uniform protocols. Below are updates, reminders or new information on things that build a safe, cooperative and dynamic school environment. 



Please review/read the following headline information on our iNFORMATION page in detail, particularly the Colleges COVID protocols, in line with advice from the Victorian Government, DHS and MACs. 

COVID: 3Vs Ventilation, Vaccination & Vital  COVIDSafe steps  

At the Academy we are committed to ensuring a safe environment for our community with a full suite of COVID Safe measures to protect students and staff and minimise disruption to learning. However, parents are asked to remember that this is a fluid situation and can change very quickly. Depending on circumstances, it may mean some timetable changes, contingency plans. 

Student Planner



Your daughter’s Student Planner is a key avenue of communication with the College. Please return the signed 'Statement of Acknowledgement' found in the front of the planner. 

Mentor Group Time

Mentoring Group Time moves back to the beginning of the school day for students. Attending this important activity is not optional. 

Mobile Phones at school

Please be reminded of the rules around student usage of phones during school hours. 

Child Safe School 

Academy is committed to being a nurturing, child-safe school where students are respected, their voices are heard and where they are safe and feel safe.

Hot Weather 

 Being weather wise


For us to become a nut free school, we seek cooperation of all members of the College community in ensuring that no nuts are brought on to the premises at any time


Welcome back to all our students
Welcome back to all our students

God Bless,

Mr Sam Di Camillo

Deputy Principal, Wellbeing & Operations