Goodbye Sonic...

We'll miss you...

Farewell Year Six

It's that time of the year when we have to farewell our only Year Six student and let him move onto the big world of high school next year. 

Sonic has been at Larnook PS since Kindergarten and he has been an interesting (definitely in a nice way!) and interested student.

We do not have permission to publish any photos of Sonic, but he had a nice send off. This included a slide show of his years at school, a good time on the bungee run, which was hired as a farewell event for him, and a number of gifts!

He also has a paver placed in the Year Six memorial path. We wish him all the best in his future. We will miss him.



The Bungee Run!

"What is that?" I hear you say. Well, like a bungee cord that hangs from above and lets you drop off a bridge or mountain, except this one is on the ground... surrounded by bouncy, soft plastic ... and really good fun! Take a look!