From the Chaplaincy

From the Chaplaincy Team  

“See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see.” Wayne Dyer

When the 2021 School Captain, Katherine Culbert, addressed retiring teachers she summed up the essence of Huntingtower. Here are some excerpts:


“…the values which make up Huntingtower are palpable to all. While the students are a big part of our culture, we really are just emulating the example our teachers set before us. 


Our teachers are well and truly the frontline of Huntingtower, where every interaction inside and out of the classroom imparts some form of lesson that betters your life. For me, this series of learnings began when I first came to Huntingtower in year 7. Who I am now, is in large part to what I see before me in my teachers. 


There’s so much I’ve learnt from just simply observing these great teachers at work. Whether that be the importance of having fun and pursuing your interests …. the fulfilment that is possible to achieve in life from chasing your dreams …. and of course, the need to challenge yourself and never settle for complacency. 


In year 10, Mrs Clarke would tell us ‘To never reach for low lying fruit’ because we all had the capability for deeper thinking. I believe this one example is the perfect testament to the culture which our Huntingtower teachers create. 


They show and make us believe that each and every one of us have greatness within us, and they don’t allow us to settle for anything lower than what we are capable of. It is the belief that my teachers have in me which has given me the confidence to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things. 


I love the Huntingtower culture, and I know it is the teachers and staff who well and truly set the tone for us students to follow. And for that I thank you, because for the past 6 years Huntingtower has been like a second home to me, and I know that’s because of you all…”

Three pillars to Huntingtower’s culture are Kindness (or Love), Respect (or Oneness) and Excellence (or Unlimited Intelligence). Hopefully this means we are all striving to:

  • Live the Golden Rule and love our neighbour; to always be kind, in all ways. “Do for others what you want them to do for you..” Matthew 12:7 
  • To recognise our God-given qualities, and to value those in others. “The good you find in others is the reflection of the good that is in yourself.”  Bob Proctor. 
  • To set and maintain high expectations; we do not place limits on what students can achieve. "God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of any thing He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept?” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health 2:23 

Forward, Huntingtower,

Forward to the light!


The Chaplaincy Team