Care & Share Program 

Huntingtower P&F Association continues to host the Care and Share Program in 2022.


This program is designed to assist families within the school community who have been struck down with severe illness or hardship. Our HT Community is strong, loving, kind and compassionate and together we can be pillar of support for families facing difficult times. 


The Care and Share program is coordinated by the Parents and Friends Association and seeks parents of the School Community to support other parents of the school who need a helping hand.  The Care and Share program has the full support of the school executive and staff refer parents to the program if required. The privacy of families using the program is fully respected. 


By volunteering you will be asked to assist with duties that you feel comfortable offering. Included on the roster are duties such as cooking, cleaning, ironing, shopping, getting children to and from school, making school lunches and snacks, getting bread and milk, gardening or even walking the dog.


A volunteer would be rostered on for one month of the year (depending on how many people volunteer). Within that month if anyone requires help, you would be called upon to assist along with other volunteers so the load can be shared.  Should there be no family requiring help that month, then you do nothing. 


Our school has a great number of people who would love to help when needed but often do not know how to. The Care and Share Program allows you to do so. 


Please consider volunteering for the program. 

Expressions of Interest can be lodged by clicking on the link Volunteer Expression of Interest (google.com)


For any further questions please contact the P&F Care and Share email: parentsandfriends1@outlook.com.           

Annual General Meeting

If you have been curious about how Huntingtower P&F go about our business, this is your opportunity to find out more.  Early in the year we conduct our Annual General Meeting (AGM), which brings the committee from the previous year together with our Heads of School, class representatives for the forthcoming year and prospective new members of P&F committee.  In addition to consolidating P&F plans and strategies for the year ahead, we conduct our office bearer elections.  Should you be interested in joining the P&F committee or even nominating for an office bearer position, you need to attend this important meeting.  New parents or existing, we extend a warm invitation for you to join us on the evening of March 2 at 7pm. 

Welcome Picnic

This is the big one for Term 1!  P&F warmly invite all Huntingtower parents, students and families, new and returning, to enjoy our hospitality on the evening of Friday, March 4 from 6pm.  Let’s meet in the quadrangle behind the PAC to enjoy a free sausage sizzle, Huntingtower coffee cart and a program of musical performances from our talented students. 


Students are invited to nominate themselves for an item (approximately 3 to 5 minutes) to perform as a soloist or in a small ensemble by completing THIS FORM. Once the nominations have been received, a program order will be worked on, communicated and managed by the Music Captains.


We will be joined by Huntingtower staff members and will share an evening of great company, food and entertainment – and make new connections. Bring a picnic rug or chair and relax on the luxuriant lawn of the quadrangle.  We look forward to seeing many new and old faces and to igniting the Huntingtower community spirit for another year.  Please see the attached flyer for details.

Class Representatives

At Huntingtower, the sense of connection between P&F committee, school administration and the parent community is vitally important.  One of the key ways we achieve this is through our wonderful class representatives.  These passionate parents are the conduit between parent cohorts and the P&F committee.  This allows P&F a direct and personal means to inform Huntingtower parents of P&F fundraising and events, and to facilitate the sense of community amongst parents in individual year levels.  Typically this has been done through the organisation, by class representatives, of year level parent get-togethers and sharing of school life. Class representatives also have a direct line to P&F committee through communications from the P&F secretary and attendance at our quarterly meetings.  We encourage any parent who may be interested in this type of engagement with other parents, to consider nominating for this important and rewarding role.  Positions are available for 1; 2; 3; 11 and 12.  


For more information, please email our secretary Lana at parentsandfriends2@outlook.com 


The P&F Committee