Student Representitiave Council (SRC) Report

SRC 2022
#CREATE change..
What is the SRC?
The Student Representative Council, or SRC is a body of elected students from Year 7-12 and support teachers involved in the representation of the students attending OCC.
What do they do?
The SRC engages with the whole of the student body seeking feedback, advice and ideas from students when required on all facets of student life including curriculum and learning, school rules and policies, IT Infrastructure, health and wellbeing, built environment and uniform.
The SRC Impact
In 2021, the SRC focused on four key areas, forming subcommittees that worked around Learning, Community, Uniform and Fundraising. Many of our goals were pushed back due to the interruptions from COVID, however the School Picnic was one of our greatest successes. OCC raised $1650 for new bubblers for the oval/weights shed area. The Dunk a Teacher and slushies were the big draw cards, where we saw Ms Menz, Mr McCann and Mr Moore dunked in front of the school. The bubblers will be ordered and installed the first part of this year.
Applying for the 2022 SRC
The SRC has real impact, and it is important that we have dedicated members who want to #Create change. Nominations are now open for the 2022 SRC. Forms are available on compass or via your year group classroom page. Forms are due Monday 28th Feb with voting to follow in week 5. The SRC requires a vast range of skills and interests, so everyone is welcome and encouraged to apply.
Photos compiled by 2021 ATSI SRC members Rowie Willis (Yr 9) & Paicey Noakes (Yr 9) show some SRC activities from last year