Leader of Learning - Pastoral Academic Care and Wellbeing
Mrs Mellissa Bell
Leader of Learning - Pastoral Academic Care and Wellbeing
Mrs Mellissa Bell
Mrs Mellissa Bell
Working together with a focus on Living Well and Learning Well
Last year as a school community we began to explore the Living Well, Learning Well framework that is common across all our diocesan schools. This framework will continue to be our core focus for all things here at O’Connor. As a staff, we have worked with our PAC classes and our teaching classes to create expectations around being safe, valued and respected and on how to be an effective learner. The challenge is that we must remember that learning occurs both inside the classroom and outside, that every opportunity we have to engage with others should be about these three core beliefs and that we strive to ensure that our actions are ones in which we know we are having a positive impact on others, that those around us are having a better day because we are part of the school community.
Our teachers are working hard to unpack and deepen their understanding of this framework, to ensure that it becomes evident in the fabric of everything we do. We are also working with our students so that they too can see that this framework is alive and part of all that they encounter. Parents and caregivers also play a role in this work, for school and learning does not happen in isolation and only within the boundaries of the school. We are all partners in this work, creating a space where safety and connection are key to ensuring we are all able to learn and to work in such a way that growth is evident.
We look forward to this challenge and know that the only pathway to success is working with each other and ensuring our expectations are clearly articulated for all.