Religious Education News
Miss Melita Roache - Religious Education Coordinator
Religious Education News
Miss Melita Roache - Religious Education Coordinator
Miss Melita Roache
Lent 2022 at O’Connor Catholic College
On Wednesday 2nd March our community will begin its Lenten Journey, beginning with our Ash Wednesday College Mass. Lent is a time of preparation for the gift of new life that we receive at Easter. During this time, we are called to reflect upon our need for God and to address those things in our lives that distract us from the wholeness that only God can bring.
“When everybody's looking for another fight
When trouble's on the rise, no end in sight
Oh, Saviour, won't You come and make the wrong things right
Let me be the place You start
Give me a clean heart”
“Clear Heart” by Matt Maher
Listen to the whole song here
Sr Mary Eleanor McGlade
Many thanks to Mr May for organising the commemorative service that marked the 80th
anniversary of the Bangka Island massacre. One of the murdered nurses was Mary Eleanor (Ellie) McGlade, an ex-student of the Ursuline convent in Armidale and a strong supporter of that school in her later life as a nurse. Her papers are in the school's historical collection. For those of you who are unaware of this tragic aspect of Australian history, see the attached link for information. Bangka Island Massacre. Year 12 students were in attendance to remember Sr Eleanor and to pray for peace in the world.
Pancake Tuesday
The Vinnies group will be selling pancakes on Tuesday 1st March from 8 am at the BBQ’’s. Money raised will go toward the school's Project Compassion collection.
Ash Wednesday Mass
O’Connor students and staff will celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass in Week 5 at the following times:
9:15 am for Year 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12 at O’Connor
12:30 pm for Year 11 and the Parish
Lenten Reflections
Denise Fittler and the Religious Education team are inviting parents, staff and senior students to participate in the weekly Lenten Reflection program. The first reflection will be held on Thursday 3rd March 2022. For enquiries or to rsvp your participation, please email
Project Compassion
The eldest child in each family will be given a project compassion box to take home over Lent. Project compassion is a fundraiser for the great Church charity, Caritas. During Lent it is traditional to give up something such as chocolate and donate the money you usually spend on this to Project Compassion. These boxes need to be returned to the College at the end of the term.The theme for this year’s appeal is “For all Future Generations,” which reminds us that the good we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. Religious Education Teachers will be exploring the Caritas theme for 2022 in classes during Lent.
Family Mass
On Sunday 20th February we celebrated our first Family Mass at St Mary’s and Joseph's Cathedral. It was wonderful to have St Mary's and O’Connor families come together for the first time this year. We had readers from both schools and finished Mass with the 2022 Lasallian Youth Leaders (LYLs) from Year 11 being commissioned by Fr Roel.
Do you play an instrument or sing? The BEATitudes are currently looking for new members from across the parish. We aim to provide contemporary music for Mass and prayer services and at Family Mass. All skills and abilities are welcome. For more information please contact Miss Melita Roache.
Learning in Religious Education
Year 7 Mass
Year 7 celebrated their first mass at O’Connor last week, led by 7.4 RE and their teacher Mrs Natalie Gurr. Fr Roel’s message to the students was about looking “out the window” and being open to new experiences, new friends and new challenges as they start their journey at O’Connor. Matthew Fittler, Will Kentwell and Charlotte Williams provided readings and responsible psalms, Jackson Burton, Kayden Mulligan and Fayth Jollife led the prayers of the faithful, and Tobi Cross and Cooper Allingham assisted Fr Roel with altar serving. It was a wonderful learning experience for all.
Some reflections from students…
Joachim, 7.4
“Hi I am Joachim from 7.4. I came from St Marys Armidale and attend mass regularly, but this was my first mass in the De la Salle Chapel at O’Connor. Our year 7 Mass was very inclusive and allowed lots of people to get involved in the readings, prayers of the faithful and altar serving. My takeaway from mass was that O’Connor is a special place and goes to a lot of trouble to make everyone feel welcomed. In the future I am looking forward to joining the BEATitudes to play guitar and altar serve.”
Darcy Jones and Georgia Abbot, 7.4
“We both went to Armidale City Public School, and coming to a Catholic school was a very big change, in terms of different beliefs, different traditions and lots of other things. Mass is something both of us are new to and it was definitely a different experience for us. It started with listening to all the different prayers Father Roel said. Sometimes we had to stand, kneel, and we had to answer Father Roels speeches and prayers. Going up to receive our blessing, we were both very nervous.
Most of our friends were going up to receive their communion but after we were blessed we knew it didn't matter because O'Connor respects everyone and gives us a caring environment to have the best learning opportunities and gives us a chance to learn their traditions.”
Keeping in touch with what is happening in the Cathedral Parish is easy through their website and Facebook pages.
With such a difficult year and a half it has been harder for parishioner's to give to the parish through the plates, particularly when the church is closed as it is at present. The Parish account details are available on the Parish bulletin.