From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

In this first newsletter, I wish to take the opportunity to welcome all students and families back to the new school year. In particular, I extend a special welcome to all of the new students and their families who are commencing their association with St Gregory’s College for the first time. I trust that the first few days have been positive and rewarding and this is the start of a long and valued partnership with the College over many years.


The school year is well and truly underway and it doesn’t take long before we have celebrated some very significant College events, beginning with the High Achievers Assembly last Friday and the Opening Mass this Friday. Whilst I understand that it is not always possible for parents, carers and family members to attend these occasions, I would encourage your attendance where possible and want you to know that you are always welcome.


On Sunday 16 February, the College will hold its annual Open Day. Whilst current families will not necessarily be wanting to attend, I would ask that you mention this to any friends or other people you know who may be considering St Gregory’s College for their children. This will be followed by information evenings for prospective families on Tuesday 18 February (Junior School) and Wednesday 19 February (Senior School).


As the new year gets underway, there is also the need to remind all students and their families about transport arrangements. For those students who travel on buses and trains, there are clear expectations regarding excellent behaviour and high levels of respect for other passengers. The vast majority of students consistently uphold the good name of the College through the way they travel whilst on public transport and the challenge is there for each student to ensure they are doing their best in this regard.


Students have once again been reminded about the  need to use their Opal Card when boarding and alighting buses. This allows an accurate record to be obtained of student numbers which is used by Transport for NSW and the bus companies to determine the demand for bus services. If students aren’t using their Opal cards, bus services risk being cancelled or changed due to the lack of recorded patronage.


We have also been advised that students that do not present a valid Opal card when boarding will have their details recorded by the driver. Repeat offences may lead to travel suspension of up to ten weeks, in line with Transport for NSW’s Student Codes of Conduct, which will result in parents being responsible for getting their children to and from school.


Finally, all parents and carers in the Senior School are reminded about the arrangements for drop-off and pick-up via the Western Gate entrance to the College. Unless provided with a permit due to exceptional reasons, parents are asked not to use the Badgally Road entrance, unless dropping off prior to 8.00am or picking up after 3.30pm. If so, parents are required to turn left near the Chapel and not enter the main carpark which is reserved for staff parking and where there is a good deal of pedestrian traffic. Your cooperation in this regards is greatly appreciated.


Best wishes,






Mr Paul Brooks

College Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School