Sub School News

Sub School News
Welcome back everyone. It has been so lovely to see so many students back on site over the last few weeks.
School is just not the same without the noise of children running around the yard! Unfortunately, we have had to close the school down a couple of times, but I guess this is the new COVID-safe norm. To ensure all students are safe at school, please make sure you speak to your child about hand hygiene, social distancing and mask wearing.
For the remainder of the year, teachers will continue to put lesson plans on Compass, with work and resources to allow all students to continue with their schooling… in the event they need to stay home and isolate. In the event of any further school closures, it is an expectation that students attend a live WebEx for each class. This is where staff will mark the roll for the day.
Our senior students are finishing up their end of year exams and our 12s are preparing to enter the ‘real world’.
We wish all our school leavers the very best as they navigate their way through the rollercoaster ride that is life.
To welcome students back to school, and to encourage connectedness between year levels, lunch time activities will be run each week. Every Wednesday, Years 9 and 10 will participate in a range of competitions, and Year 7 and 8 will participate on a Friday lunch time. Activities range from tug of war, to volleyball, to minute to win it!
Throughout the year, students have been earning acknowledgement points through the SWPBS program. Students who have been displaying the College values, on a consistent basis, have been acknowledged with points by their teachers. Now we are back on site, students are able to ‘swap’ their points for prizes at the SWPBS Swap Shop. The shop is open every Friday lunch time. Well done to the following students who have the most points from each year level:
Year 7- Esther Gacovski
Year 8- Olivia Argaet
Year 9- Ashleigh Jeffs
Year 10- Amy Verginadis
Year 11- Sofia Vlachou
Year 12- Jet Liang
Jacqueline Sampson
Sub School Leader