We have come to the end of another year and there is the opportunity to say farewell to our Year 12 cohort and to families who have been associated with the school over many years who now leave us with their last child completing school.
This year Beth Young has decided to retire. Many of you would have crossed paths with her as a classroom teacher of English or English as an Additional Language, previously ESL. Maybe you were a member of the Yearbook team or publishing group and you were out taking photos or compiling stories, learning all the while about editing and writing for an appropriate audience and purpose. Perhaps Beth was there to support you to improve your literacy skills and you can now express your gratitude to her for her patience and extensive knowledge in teaching you new skills, scaffolding your learning or assisting teachers to modify their tasks.
Beth has made a substantial contribution to Kew High School. She has stepped up and assumed roles of responsibility, as a year Level Coordinator and leading the Learning Area. Beth has never shied away from hard work, has always been collaborative, sharing her resources and approaches willingly. Beth is aknowledged for her respectful approach to everyone, for the extensive support she has offered and for encouraging the views and input of others.
We wish her well in her future away from Kew High School.
Clare Entwisle