Buildings and Grounds 

Buildings and Grounds 2021

Looking back over the year with so many disruptions and curveballs I am proud of what Buildings and Grounds still managed to achieve.  We would have liked to have seen a few more projects over the line but restrictions to budget and site access have meant a few of our intended projects will need to be completed in the new year…  My sincere thanks to the Buildings and Grounds team for their time, expertise, and dedication to making the school’s built and natural environments better for the school community.  My thanks also to the volunteers who stepped up for working bees (when we were permitted to have them!) - we are really grateful for giving up your Sunday mornings to help out.


Development Project 

It is really satisfying to see the new STELA building, Main Building Works, and Productive Garden drawing so close to completion.  The Junior Landcare Grant was successfully applied for to contribute to the costs of the new garden beds and future bee management program.  Many thanks to Ian Adams for his fantastic contribution to the re-instatement of the productive garden after it was used for the site sheds and car parking by the construction team throughout the build.  The cricket net will now be converted to a chicken run and the new coop will be installed to complete this project in time for the new school year.


Basketball Court Resurfacing 

The design and quoting processes for the resurfacing of the bitumen basketball and downball court area has been completed.  The aim for the re-surfacing is to vastly improve comfort and safety and facilitate more activities for both the physical education program and informal play at recess and lunchtimes.


Shade Sail Grant 

We successfully applied for the State Government’s Shade Sail Grant Scheme which will provide a substantial shelter to the northern edge of the MPR canopy.  Quotes are being sought to install the sail in the new year.  It is intended the increase in shading will alleviate UV exposure for the junior playground, OSHC activities and larger assemblies held in the multi-purpose room.


Main Building Solar Panels

This project was completed in the last couple of weeks which included the installation of 70 PV panels on the northern face of the main building, greatly increasing the sustainability credentials of the school.  This system will also be complemented by the 20 panel system installed on the STELA building.


Oval Resurfacing

A preliminary report has been issued to School Leadership outlining the necessary steps to return the oval to a safe and fun playing area.  Our thanks to Basil Mascali for preparing this document.  The re-instatement of the football and soccer goals was an immediate step we completed in the past couple of weeks. 


Changes to the Team

The conclusion of 2021 sees a couple of our committee’s most dedicated and long-standing team members finishing up on Buildings and Grounds.  Tash Colangelo has worked tirelessly on planning and implementation of working bees, the 2020 drinking trough and hand sanitiser project, and most recently the refurbishment of Sprout.  Over several years she has championed the cause for Sprout to be extended and upgraded with commercial equipment to function more productively and efficiently.  Niki Schwabe has lent considerable effort and expertise to enhancing the landscaping and planting of the grounds.  His projects have included the design and stabilisation of the Woodland, tree management and maintenance, and the extensive planting of the Woodland and Wales St boundary.  He has been as adept with his design and strategy as he has been on tools over the years.


A sincere thanks to both Tash and Niki for their outstanding contributions to Buildings and Grounds - we are very grateful for everything they have done!


On behalf of Buildings and Grounds, we wish everyone a happy last few weeks of school and a very well deserved break.



Paul Broadhurst

Buildings and Grounds Committee

0406 089 078