As the end of 2021 is near, we would like to look back on this year and ahead to next year.

Sadly, for our BNW community and especially for the Community Events Team sub-committee, we farewell Calandra Gillingham. Cal came to CET at the perfect time! She brought organisational skills and digital tools that made remote collaboration so much easier and more time efficient and will be a legacy for CET. She generously donated her time and resources to make the Spring Steps and 2020 Appreciation Week communication so joyful and easy to use. Cal brought clarity, great ideas (hello Spring Steps, Appreciation Week), considered and constructive feedback; but above all she brought enthusiasm and joy and championed the power of gratitude and connection. You will be greatly missed but our loss is your new school community’s massive gain. Thank you Cal.


The graduating cohort of 2021 also means that we lose a bunch of incredible volunteering families. People who have generously given so much of their time, expertise, and energy to BNW. They welcomed us to the school and led by example to highlight the immense benefits of being part of the BNW community. The standard for Trivia Night costumes is now set incredibly high and many hours of sausage cooking, sweeping and ‘can do’ expertise lost. On behalf of the whole community, and especially CET – Thank You.

Looking ahead to next year, CET is aiming to provide events for us all to return onsite, to socialise, connect and reconnect. Our focus is on strengthening the connections we all have with BNW and this starts with being back on the grounds of our wonderful school. If you can, please pop into Sprout in the morning for a coffee and chat. It was wonderful to see Sprout so full last Wednesday with the new Foundation families!


Calendar dates for 2022 are currently being finalised and were presented to School Council last night. Once confirmed these dates will be published in an upcoming newsletter. In the meantime, if you don’t already have one, we encourage all parents/carers who wish to volunteer for events that will have contact with children, to apply for a Working With Children Check. It is a simple online process through this link.

Finally, if you would like to be part of the CET sub-committee in 2022 or have any questions or suggestions, please be in touch CET@brunswicknwps.vic.edu.au 


Emily Myer and Liz O’Neill

Tamsin Downes, Tanya Pittard, Anne Treasure & Linda Reiling