Leadership and Management

Staff Meeting Days

Staff meetings at Galilee are weekly and occur both Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, beginning at 3:40pm.  All staff are expected to be punctual for staff meetings and we appreciate the support of parents in this matter. If you need to discuss matters with a teacher, please make an appointment with them via their email address which can be found in Term Overviews on our website http://www.gsmelbournesth.catholic.edu.au/page/170/Learning-&-Teaching or on the next page of newsletter.

Classroom Helper Sessions

There are two scheduled dates for a Classroom Helper Course:  Friday 2 March and Friday 9 March, 9:00-11:00am.  Information has been communicated via CareMonkey this week.  If you would like to work with students in the classroom, you must complete one of the sessions.  Please indicate the preferred date when replying on CareMonkey.  The session will comprise of one hour of English and one hour of Mathematics (Number Intervention).  

If you have already completed the Classroom Helper Course in a previous year, and would like to learn about Number Intervention, please email Jane Ferris  at jferris@gsmelbournesth.catholic.edu.au to indicate your preferred day.

The Number Intervention session will commence at 10:00am.

If you have any questions about the Classroom Helper Course please contact Laura Cox at lcox@gsmelbournesth.catholic.edu.au.


On Wednesday, Fr. Hugh attended our Assembly to perform a special Commissioning Ceremony. Staff, Student Leaders and Parents were commissioned for the work and ministry that they have committed to this year. 

This is a photo of our SRC and Social Justice Leaders being commissioned. During the ceremony they agreed to be a light shining in our school community, an example and role model to their fellow students and a good friend to all. They agreed to support and encourage others,

be responsible for spreading peace and justice both in school and out of school. We thank the student leaders in our community who have taken on these special roles.