
Sacrament Program 


Do you have a child in Year 3, 4 or 6?


Many students have already had the sacraments conferred in Parish celebrations. If you have not already enrolled your child in a parish program, it may still be possible to enroll in some parishes. 

The following people can assist you:

  • Your Parish Priest or Sacrament Coordinator.
  • Mary-Anne Lumley, Parish Liaison or 9383 0513.
  • Information for all parishes may be found on the archdiocesan website:  here

  • Information from parishes on the College website.


Congratulations to the students (and their families) who will be receiving First Communion this weekend in the parish of Holy Rosary, Nedlands. Let us remember the students and families in our prayer.

‘GOOD NEWS’ for 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“I tell you that you forgive not seven times but seventy times seven.” (Matthew 18:21-35)

The reflection is part of a longer homily by Richard Leonard  for this Sunday. It is printed here with kind permission. Fr Richard Leonard SJ is the Director of the Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting, is a member of the Australian Catholic Media Council and is author of Preaching to the Converted, Paulist Press, New York, 2006.


In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us we should forgive each other seventy-seven times. Numbers are not randomly used in the Bible. 1, 3, 7, 12 and 40 all have specific meanings. To number something as seven is to describe it as being perfect. When we hear Jesus use this phrase we recall the story in the Book of Genesis of the seven days of creation where, on the seventh day, God looks at the result of his creative love and sees that it is very good. Jesus, using some shorthand, says that not only is forgiveness good, but that it is a creative act that gives life to the world and gives glory to those who exercise it.


In the 5th Century St Augustine said that forgiveness was like a mother who has two wonderful daughters named justice and compassion. In using such a metaphor Augustine knew that forgiveness was not a once-off event, it was a process that involved other virtues as well. Jesus teaches a similar lesson in today’s Gospel, where he uses the image of the King settling his debts. Because the King is just, compassionate and forgiving, he rightly expects that, in turn, his steward will be so as well.


It’s easy to be forgiving in the big picture. We can preach strongly about war, peace and reconciliation. It’s quite another to forgive those closest to us. Sometimes the hardest place to be compassionate and just is our own home. If we are not speaking to a husband, wife, child, parent, sibling or friend then today’s Gospel has a strong challenge right where we live.


Part of the problem is that we could have accepted the film Love Story’s motto, ‘Love means never having to say you're sorry’. This idea is many things, but it’s not Christian. For followers of Jesus the exact opposite is true. We seek opportunities to forgive and ask for forgiveness.


Jesus doesn’t tell us that forgiveness is easy, just necessary. To forgive someone in our family, our workplace, our circle of friends or in our Church is not to pretend that a sinful situation did not occur, but to face it head on and demand justice with compassion.

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For when we stand before God with the weakness and sinfulness of our own life, God will not settle old scores, take revenge and exact retribution. Rather God will be perfectly just and completely compassionate. When we choose forgiveness over revenge, and love over hate we begin to glimpse God’s creative goodness coming to perfection in us, because forgiveness is a participation in the very heart of God.

© Richard Leonard

Community Liturgy 

Next Friday, our final Community Liturgy for Term III will be prepared by Year 12 students. We  hope that students and their families will be able to take up this opportunity to celebrate Mass together in the College Chapel, and for parents to continue the celebration with coffee in the Circle of Friends café. Everyone is always welcome – whether you are one of the regulars or a first-timer. Further queries about Community Mass: or 9383 0513.


When: Fridays in Term Time

Time: 8:00-8:30am

Where: College Chapel