Student Leadership

Ministry Report

Term 2 has been a great term for the Ministry team with lots of opportunities for the students of MSJ to practice their faith and also become involved in many social justice activities. Term 2 saw MSJ celebrate Reconciliation Week, where as a community, we were able to recognise and acknowledge Australia’s Indigenous Culture and its many positive influences on our society today. Reconciliation Week also allowed us to reflect on the injustices present against the Indigenous people and what we can do to aid in closing the gap in our society.


Throughout the week many of our social justice leaders walked around the school with many facts about the Indigenous culture in our local area and recognised the influence of their traditions in our community. We also showed a film called “The Sapphires” which details the account of an Indigenous band and their contribution during the War. Lastly, as an entire MSJ community, we took a drone photo with our “Recognise” banner to stand in solidarity for closing the gap between us and the Indigenous Community.


Further into Term 3, the Ministry Team will be focusing on the annual St Vinnies Winter Appeal, and we encourage all students to participate in our upcoming fundraisers. We would like to thank all students and staff for taking part in the activities run by the Ministry Team.


By Celine Lopez - Ministry Captain

Wellbeing Report

The longest term of the year is rapidly coming to an end, however the Wellbeing team despite having a busy last couple weeks has countless tasks prepared for the upcoming month.


House Captains have been working intently on various activities such as Year 7 Netball Tournament, Random Acts of Kindness activities and a Trivia Night. Now for one of the most anticipated events in the school calendar, The Staff VS Student Tournaments. Unlike any year before, all year levels have the opportunity to compete against the teachers not just year 12s. This is an exciting new addition that year levels are eager to embrace.


The school psychologists have also prepared sessions on the topics of time management, stress management and importance of sleep. These sessions are open to everyone and will include vital information that anyone can benefit from.


By Elyssar Dib and the Wellbeing Team

Arts Report

Coming up next term we have MSJ’s Got Talent in the Art portfolio.


All auditions will be held the first week back for anyone with any talent they want to show off to the MSJ community. This year we are changing things up a bit with a series of categories for students to compete in, so be sure to sign up as soon as possible and maybe you could be the next winner of MSJ’s Got Talent.


By Madison Brown - Arts Captain

Academic Report

We are half-way through the year and examination period for Year 8 to Year 11 is now over! All students have worked tirelessly to ensure their mid-year goals are achieved. This includes students coming to Study Buddies on a Wednesday after school for a little more help from our free tutors. It has been a benefit to many, both students and tutors so why not come and try the new program everyone’s talking about?


With the last term of duty for the 2017 SLT, be sure to see a lot happen in term 3! The Academic portfolio will continue running week tutor sessions to ensure students receive the best support. Also, students please stay tuned for the academic competitions that are coming up such as ‘Staff vs Student Debating’ and MSJ’s first ‘Are You Smarter Than A 7th Grader?’. Get excited!


By Tran Nguyen - Academic Captain

WAAM & College captains Report

Welcome to the end of Term 2 , 2017


This term has been action packed, some of the activities we have been held include Reconciliation Week, MMADD Day, Refugee Week, Staff vs Student Dodgeball and Family Feud. As the Student Leadership Team head into our last term as Leaders, we plan to leave our mark on MSJ and we are truly excited for the final term as an SLT.  For us in particular, we have many ideas ahead of us that will involve working closely with our wonderful House Captains and WAAM portfolios.


We hope everyone has a safe and relaxing break!!


By Matilda Murrihy and Liv Kivlighon - College Co- Captains