Education In Faith

From the Director of Catholic Identity

With Courage Let us All Combine…..


These words from our National Anthem form the theme for Australia’s National Refugee Week, which is celebrated the week of June 20th.  During this week individuals and communities across Australia stand in solidarity with those seeking asylum and refuge around the world and call upon leaders of nations, including our own, to reflect on current policies that may hinder people's access to the basic human right of safety and asylum. This theme also serves as a call to action for all Australians: how can we stand up against injustice and work together to make our country one that lives up to its national anthem as a nation with boundless plains to share?


Recently Pope Francis called upon Catholics to respond proactively to this world issue, “Do not tire of courageously living the Gospel, which calls you to recognize and welcome the Lord Jesus among the smallest and most vulnerable.” (Pope Francis, 2017, Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.) Christ himself was a refugee, our patron Saint Mary MacKillop was the daughter of immigrants, our great country has a long proud history of ‘boat people’ from the First Fleet to now. As we reflect on the Holy Father's message we are moved to act, we are reminded to welcome all, to invite all into our country, to encourage all to Come As they are.


During the week, MSJ students participated in a number of activities that raised awareness about the needs of refugees and asylum seekers not only in Australia but abroad. Students made a powerful statement on the last day of term as they participated in a Circle of Silence. This initiative, supported and promoted by the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) was held in various sites across Australia. CAPSA called communities and schools to engage in an act of solidarity, to stand in silence to acknowledge the hardships of many fleeing persecution. The Circles of Silence movement originated in Toulouse, France in 2007, among Franciscan groups in an effort to express solidarity with people seeking asylum and immigrants experiencing injustice and who were being silenced. Through the Circle of Silence run at MSJ we expressed our hopes and support for people seeking asylum, week acknowledge that we stand with those whose freedoms are being denied. We call upon our Government to bring them here, to welcome the stranger, to see Christ in all.


With this in mind we pray;




No one is a stranger to you and no one is ever far from your loving care In your kindness watch over refugees and asylum seekers, those separated from their loved ones, those who are lost, and those who have been exiled from their homes. Bring them safely to the place where they long to be, and help us always to show your kindness to strangers and those in need.


(Australian Catholic Social Justice Council)

Danielle Fairthorne

Director of Catholic Identity

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