Spotlight on HOM

Sharron Cramer & Jenna Herbert
Thinking Cultures Leaders
Poems found by the Staff
Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision was evident during a staff Professional Learning session last week.
Using a range of text examples, teachers selected phrases they wanted to include in a group poem. They needed to justify their decisions to the group and sequence their ideas. This collaborative learning opportunity put the spotlight on ‘Communication’ and challenged participants to convey their thinking through reasoning.
Another example of how our school “Remains Open to Continuous Learning” and “Thrives in a team culture”.
Here are the free-flow poems the teachers ‘found’ when analysing texts.
The hail stopped dancing over his head,
Birds were flittering with delight-
The most beautiful music in the world.
So long since he heard a bird sing!
So glad to have the children back again.
In one corner, still water,
The boy wandering all around it, but the boy was crying bitterly.
“Climb up little boy”.
But, the boy was too tiny.
Miss Lilly and the fantastic feather boa
The feather boa was somehow magical!
She flung the feather boa
As if in a trance.
Feeling for a moment she could do anything.
Snipping off a piece of the boa.
Alice joined the procession.
She was walking by the White Rabbit
Who was peeping anxiously in her face.
The soldiers were silent-looked at Alice
“It’s a very fine day”, said the tiny voice at her side.
As the question was evidently meant for her
“It’s a very, fine day”!
In a frightened tone-“The Queen will hear you”.
A shrill, loud voice-“Off with their heads”!
‘You! She barked.
Her diabolical gaze-the manner of a tigress stalking a deer.
Rupert answered with foolish abandon.
His mother thought it was beautiful.
Trunchbull had a great dislike.
He twisted and squirmed and kicked the air.
From the back of the class, Miss Honey cried out.
“You’re hurting him”.
He looked anxiously over his shoulder as he spoke.
“She’s under sentence of execution”, said the Rabbit
In a low, hurried tone.
Alice gave a little scream of laughter.
“I see”, said the Queen {who had meanwhile been examining the roses}.
“Off with their heads”, and the procession moved on.
Three of the soldiers remaining behind
To execute the unfortunate.
“You shan’t be beheaded”, said Alice.
Think it’s at all a pity?
Can you play croquet?
Simpson and his donkey
Jack ignored the concussion of gunfire.
Picked his way down the stony ravine.
A soldier raised his bloody arm.
Jack lifted his patient onto the donkey’s back.
“It doesn’t do to linger in nasty spots”, he thought.
That was the first of many brave rescues.