Principal's Report

Rosemary Cosentino
A message from the Principal
We have received more School Council nominations than vacancies, hence, a ballot will be conducted. To assist parents to make an informed vote, I encourage you to read the statements prepared by the candidates. Please refer to the time line and instructions below.
To cast your vote, you must:
• Make a clear X beside the name of the candidates
• Place the completed ballot paper in a blank envelope and
(a) place the envelope in an envelope with the voter’s name and address on the back and hand deliver it to the school office
(b) post it to the Principal, ensuring it is recieved before the ballot closes at 4.00pm on Friday 9th March;
(c) Place the envelope containing the completed ballot paper in the ballot box and print the voter’s name and address in the voters register at the office. This can be done between 8.00am and 4.00pm on any school day, including the day of closure of the ballot.
Envelopes will be available at the office.
Friday February 23 - Notice of election placed in the newsletter
Monday February 26 - List of candidates published on Compass & Ballot papers emailed to parents
Friday 9th March at 4pm - Close of Ballot
Tuesday March 13th at 4:15pm - Counting of votes
Wednesday March 14th March - Declaration of poll
Monday March 26 at 6:30pm - AGM- Reporting to Parents
First council meeting to elect office bearers
Bryan Elliott
I am the father of two KPS boys. David started high school this year after attending KPS Prep to 6. Liam is in year 4. Glenys, the boys and I have lived in Dingley Village for nearly eight years and are very involved with KPS (including me photographing the annual school production and being parent volunteer on 3 camps). I have always been impressed by KPS and the quality of the people that make up the KPS community – teachers, parents, committee and the kids.
My current volunteer commitment is in relation to the 2nd Springvale Scout Group where I am the president. As an in-house commercial lawyer with 20 years’ experience ranging from construction projects in the Northern Territory, rail companies in the UK and now 11 years in Defence procurement I believe I can play a greater role – to build upon the substantial achievements and reputation of KPS.
Victoria Lemmer
Hello everyone. My name is Victoria Lemmer. I am very interested in joining the KPS School Council. My husband and I operate our own small business (gardening) and moved to Dingley Village 3 years ago after living in Cheltenham for 10 years. Our son started prep this year at KPS.
Prior to having children I worked with the Salvation Army as a social worker, supporting Melbourne’s homeless. I have a degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Criminology.
I am very passionate about contributing to our community. I have this year joined the KPS Parent Club and completed the Classroom Helper training.
As a professional advocate I believe I have many skills and qualities that will be of an asset to the School Council. I believe myself to be very approachable and down-to-earth, with a warm smile and a large laugh.
Melissa Du
My name is Melissa Du, mum of Nathan (4N) and Xavier (Prep H). I have been part of the KPS community for 4 years and been a parent helper within the school.
I have a Bachelor of Commerce and am currently working part time in payroll and accounts.
For the past 2 years I have been the School Council Treasurer and on the Finance Sub-Committee. My finance background has assisted me in this role which includes understanding the financial part of running a school. Over the last 2 years I have also been part of some financial decisions regarding the future of the students and the school.
If I am re-elected for another 2 years I believe that my experience in both at work and on School Council would benefit the school operations.
I hope you would consider voting for me into School Council.
Sally Carroll
I am the mother of Joshua Carroll (5C) and Bowen Carroll (2F).
I am a clinical nurse specialist at The Alfred Hospital Neurotrauma unit. My years of service is twenty years. My roles and responsibilities within the unit have been various leadership roles, such as; Associate nurse unit manager for 6 years and CNS for 12 years. My responsibilities are; care of the critically ill, performance management and undergraduate and graduate mentorship. Active member of the “behaviours of concern steering committee”, of which I review and amend current policy in our changing health climate.
As an active community member, I have been a member of the “fund raising committee’ for Dingley kindergarten, in 2014 and 2015. I participate regularly as a classroom helper at KPS.
Josh was diagnosed with ASD in 2014 and Bo is a creative and spirited child that identifies with traditionally female roles and preferences. Therefore, as a school council member, I will understand and respect that every KPS child does have varied special needs and the Kingswood community are required to nurture and support each individual child to be the best version of themselves as they can be.
Thank you.
Sophie Allan
My name is Sophie Allan and I have been involved in Kingswood Primary School for the past 6 years. I have 3 girls currently attending Kingswood in grades 2,4 and 6. I have been on school council for the past 3 years, my first year as Parent Club representative and the past 2 years as a Parent Member. I am looking to be re elected for another term.
My background is in Management where I led a large team of 34 staff, my key responsibilities were project management, budget targets and meeting deadlines. I am an active member at Kingswood, volunteering weekly in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen and Garden, in the Canteen, Classroom helper, Parent Club, Fete Committee, School Camps, Excursions and the RACV energy breakthrough team which raises funds to enable the grade 5/6 students to race human powered vehicles in Maryborough later in the year. I have been on the Kingswood Student Welfare and Engagement sub committee for the past 3 years and I am currently on the Community Engagement Taskforce.
I am involved in the local netball club which I am team manager.
I am passionate about representing the parents and children of Kingswood Primary and to bring their ideas and views to school council where my aim is to continue to make a positive difference to our children.
Thank you.