Assistant Principal News

             "If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."

Each year Marian celebrates its cultural diversity in our joyous Harmony Day celebrations. Over 34 cultures were represented by our staff and students as we demonstrated the pride we possess in our ‘diversity being our strength.’ Our celebration took place last Thursday in true Marian style. We started on a sombre note, to commemorate the tragic happenings in Christchurch, with a Hakka by our Pacific Islander students. This was followed by a number of lively cultural performances by our Filipino, Chinese, South Pacific, Indian Subcontinent and Italian students which ‘raised the roof.’ The support of the crowd was unparalleled and demonstrated the connection that our students have to one another. Our ‘Taste of Harmony’ stalls sold out quickly as students and staff scrambled to sample the cultural fair. Once again a large number of staff and students supported and assisted in the organisation of the day, and to them we are truly grateful.


Speaking of uniting for a common purpose, I would like to remind all parents of the importance of our Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences on Wednesday 10th April (Week 11) 3:45-7pm.


Parents of students in Years 7-11 will receive their child’s Interim Report next week. The conferences that follow provide a great opportunity for a discussion of student progress from Term 1. As the conference is about the student, it is vital that the student also attends the interviews. This gives the teacher the opportunity to involve the student in the discussion of learning progress, goals and objectives.


The discussion should focus on the strengths of the student, areas that they need to improve and possible ways that they can do this.


I encourage all parents to log onto SOBS and schedule an interview with their classroom teachers, Homeroom teacher and/or Pastoral Coordinator. It is also recommended that Parents and students bring a copy of their Interim Report with them on the night.


Each interview is only 5 minutes in length, however if a longer discussion is required, parents can arrange a separate meeting with the teacher at another time.


I look forward to this being a great opportunity for teachers, students and parents to discuss the best way to improve your child’s learning.


Another way that we are working together to foster student growth here at MCC is through our annual Narrative Writing Program for Year 9. These sessions will take place next Monday and Tuesday for all Year 9 students.


The students will be split into two groups and will spend two periods on Monday and two on Tuesday in the Marramarra learning writing skills and workshopping and experimenting with their own writing.


Students may have to write in the narrative form for NAPLAN, the Minimum Standards Tests and the HSC English Exam, hence these days are of vital importance to build confidence, power and precision in student writing. Student learning will then be reinforced in their English classes, culminating with their Narrative Writing Assessment Task in Week 11.


Finally, this week we held successful trials for NAPLAN Online. Both Year 7 and Year 9 sat Practice Omnibus Tests on Wednesday. This gave students a great opportunity to understand the way the NAPLAN platform works and to ensure their devices meet the technical requirements. I am pleased to say the trials were highly successful for both students and teachers.


Students will complete the full NAPLAN Tests from May 14-24 (Wekks 3 and 4 of Term 2).

Yours in learning,


Lora Segrave and Damien Herb

Co Assistant Principals