Maths News

Recently, 8.4 Maths competed in the Sumdog Riverina Competition. Sumdog is an adaptive online education platform where students answer mathematical questions, individually personalised, within a gaming environment. 


Our class of 16 students competed against 21 other classes in the Riverina. Each student had the opportunity to answer 1000 questions within a week, at home or at school, with the number of correct answers adding towards the classes total tally. 


8.4 were successful in coming first in the Riverina and won a 6 month subscription to more features within the online program. Congratulations to Zethan Zuccato who came 3rd in the Riverina answering 764 correct answers and answering a question on average every 2.9 seconds! Jordan De Marco, Jacom Vitucci and Grace Keenan also placed within the top 15 students in the Riverina.


Congratulations 8.4 Maths - keep up the fantastic work!

Belinda Aventi & Evelina Blanco