Assistant Principal's Report

Leasyl Richards - Curriculum

5th March


In preparation for the 2020 NAPLAN tests the Year 3 and 5 students will be involved in the nationwide Co-ordinated Practice Test. This will be held on Monday 23rd March.

The Year 3 students will undertake the Omnibus test.

 The Year 5 students will be involved in the Omnibus Test and the Writing test.

The Omnibus test is a single test that includes questions from reading, conventions of language and numeracy.

The Co-ordinated Practice tests

  • allows students to become familiar with the online portal and the look of the tests and the types of questions
  • provides the opportunity for ACARA who oversee the NAPLAN testing to assess the capabilities of their system under the pressure of all users accessing the portal. 
  • gives us, as a school, the chance test our own capabilities for running the test and allows us to detect any possible technical issues

Further details for the NAPLAN testing will be provided to Year 3 and 5 parents next week.



Last week we held our first NUDE FOOD day for 2020.  Thank you to all parents and students for enthusiastically supporting our Nude Food days.  This year across the school we had 87% of lunch boxes rubbish free.  The winning class was 6EF with 100% Rubbish Free lunchboxes.

Congratulations also go to PDR, 6VB,  5FP who achieved 95% Rubbish free lunchboxes.


Our next Nude Food day will be on Wednesday 25th March.



Early last year we installed two recycling hubs in the Staff Car park for the collection of clothing and electrical items.  These hubs are available for members of our school community and members of the wider community.

We have just received our report and certificate from SCRgroup thanking us for being a leader in clothing sustainability with our School program. In 2019 we collected 3,749kg of preloved clothing.  This is an incredible effort!   

SCR rewards our school by providing a donation based on the amount that is collected and this year we will receive just over $400 which we will use to fund other sustainability practices at our school.

We encourage you to keep using these bins to recycling any old clothing and electrical items.


This year we have begun promoting School pride as part of our Sustainability program. Each week either one or two classes are restored on to spend some time out in the yard tidying up or  gardening.  The benefits of this are two fold – to ensure our school environment is neat and tidy and also to install a sense of pride in students in their environment.

Thank you to 6EF, 2TJ, 2KI and 5BG.  

Leasyl Richards