Family Time with  

Makenzie and Nayte

This fortnight we welcome the Giffard family to Family Time.


Kyle (dad) attended JPII many moons ago and suggested to his wife Jess that they tour the school to see if JPII would be a good fit for their young family.  

One tour later, two children happily thriving at school and now Jess also working at the school, the fit is proving to be a good one!


Family: Kyle, Jess, Makenzie and Nayte


Lives in: Howrah


What is your favourite way to spend time with your family?

Camping - relaxation, campfire and watching them relax and have fun!! 


Number of students attending JPII and their grade:  

Two children. Makenzie Grade 5 and Nayte Grade 2


What made JPII your school of choice for your children and family?

Kyle went to JPII so this was our first and last stop once we all had our tour. 


What has your JPII experience been like for your children and family?

The culture is amazing - Our kids have faced some challenges over the years but have found that their teachers really understand both our children and their commitment for them to thrive really shows.


What is your children's favourite thing about coming to school?

Makenzie: Learn new things, play with my friends and see my favourite teacher Mrs B

Nayte: To see and play with my friends 


Jess, you also work at the school can you also provide any other insight about JPII for families that may be considering this school for their children...?

All the staff at JPII are committed to the wellbeing and will go over and above to ensure they get the best education possible for all children. 


Lastly, would you recommend JPII to other families and why/any other thoughts or comments ?

Without question for all of the above reasons.