School Wide Updates and Diary Dates

Upcoming Dates

Friday 9 September - Wacky Hair/Hat Day 

Tuesday 13 September - School Council Meeting

Friday 16 September - Last day of Term 3 (2.30pm finish)

Monday 10th - Wednesday 12th October - 3/4 Camp to Phillip Island

Friday 14th - Colour Fun Run


The Silent Auction is still going and will be online until this Friday 9th September 8pm.


 Artworks have been generously donated by talented CNPS and the wider school community. 


There have been quite a few exciting bidding wars going on already, so if you want to get amongst the action, follow the link below to view our auctions items and make your bids!


Your donation will go towards raising money to pay for a mural that will be created at CNPS with a local Wurundjeri artist. 


Thank you for your support!