Principal's Report

Sam Tyndall - Black Rock PS Principal

Hello BRPS Community, 


Welcome back for our first full Term 4 onsite at school. It's an exciting time for many reasons, none more so than it is the first time that our current Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students have commenced the final term of their school year onsite!


This year Term 4 runs for 12 weeks, allowing a thorough opportunity to build on and consolidate the learning that has taken place throughout the year and prepare students for their transition to 2023. 


Term 3 finished in a high note with many community-based activities back in full swing from the second half of the term onwards.

2023 Enrolments and Class Placement


We are continuing to accept enrolments for all year levels for the 2023 school year. Our projected enrolments help to determine class structure and staffing requirements. Early confirmation of student numbers is essential to ensure this process is managed effectively and provides the best possible learning outcomes for BRPS students. 

NOT ENROLLING IN 2023?               Please notify the office at your earliest convenience.                        Late withdrawals can have a significant impact on class structure, sizes and staff arrangements. 

Class Placement

The process that Black Rock Primary School works through to plan each student's class placement begins months before the end of the school year and as students progress from Foundation to Year 6, it is expected they will learn to work and relate to a range of teachers and students. 

We strive to make classes harmonious in design with a wide variety of talents, abilities and interests. Please note that classes are not allocated to teachers until groups are formed, in other words, it is the dynamic of each group that is the focus rather than the teacher. We endeavour to ensure that students are placed in year level groups that maximise social and emotional development, learning potential and engagement. Our staff put a lot of time and effort into creating balanced, positive learning environments with consideration for all students within each year level.

Desirable criteria, as listed below, act as a guide for consideration and discussion and are not intended to be inclusive or exclusive of any other. The criteria stated are not prioritised.

  • Student academic performance 
  • Social and emotional development
  • Student friendship groups 
  • Equitable ability spread across all classes
  • Gender balance
  • Student-student interaction 
  • Student learning needs 

Forming balanced classes is in the best interest of ensuring optimal learning for all students. Since we are involved in a consultative process (consisting of many hours) to facilitate the placement of students, we do not anticipate making changes to class placements once they are set. Please do not approach individual teachers regarding student placements in Term 4. Like all new relationships, it can take time for students to learn to trust and demonstrate growth with their new teacher and in their new setting. The vast majority of children adjust very quickly to their new classroom with the help of your encouragement and support. 


Parent input may be considered under exceptional circumstances if submitted in writing to the Principal, via email. Please do not request a particular teacher for your child.

If you wish to provide relevant information, please email with "Class Placement 2023" in the subject line by Friday 28th of October 2022. 


*Please note that information received after the deadline may not be considered.*


The class structure for 2023 will be published in the school newsletter soon after it is finalised, this is typically in the first weeks of December.  

Staffing News

This term we welcome Cassandra (Cass) Morgan who has made a smooth transition into Foundation N as Marie Nicoll has now commenced maternity leave.


In Music, Peter Murnane has made it safely to Broome with his family. We welcome Lyn Watson who will continue the Music program Monday-Wednesday. Current staff member Michala Bartholomeusz will be responsible for Music classes on Thursday and Friday.

COVID-19 Update

COVID school settings that were in place at the end of Term 3 continue until the end of next week. Students who test positive to COVID-19 should still continue to notify the Department of Health and also the school. Isolation mandates continue this week with an update to new settings expected before the start of Week 3.


Our first assembly of Term 4 will be this Monday 10th October. All parents are welcome to attend.


Dogs in the School Yard

Unfortunately there has been an increase in dog droppings within the school, which inevitably makes it into classrooms via the many shoes that walk through our grounds on a daily basis. 

We currently have a 'Dogs on School Grounds' policy that allows dogs on the school grounds under certain conditions. If owners continue to fail to pick up after their dogs, School Council may be forced to ban dogs altogether from school grounds. 

First Aid Policy

We are implementing some changes to our First Aid parent information & communication protocols, starting next week. 

Parents will be informed via a COMPASS email if their child attends and/or receives minor treatment in the sick bay. 

Parents will be contacted via phone if a child has received a knock to the head or if an incident is serious. 

For those children who may become unwell at school, parents will be contacted via phone. 

Year 4 Camp

Our Year 4 students completed the term with a wonderful camp at Cave Hill Creek, Beaufort. 

It was held in a beautiful bushland setting with excellent food and amenities. The camp itinerary also included a trip to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat.

There were many adventure activities including canoeing, hut building, archery, mountain-biking and low ropes courses. It was a fantastic week with fun had by all!

I really must extend an enormous amount of gratitude and thanks to the Year 4 teachers (Margot Hudson, Adam Littlehales, Katrina Hutchins and Allison Capron) for their effort and commitment in planning such a successful and safe camp under very challenging conditions. In addition, thanks to school staff Sophie Moir and Cal Byrnes volunteering to spend a week away from their families in support of this experience for our students. 

Mrs Timms and I were also rapt to be able to spend a couple of days with the campers as well!

Term 4 Curriculum Day 

The final student-free day for this year is the fourth Curriculum Day, scheduled for Monday 31st October (Melbourne Cup Monday)


Have a wonderful fortnight.


Sam Tyndall