Ms Janelle Scott and Ms Jean Lee


Superchef Restaurant


Our amazing Superchef Restaurant students exceeded all our expectations with the delectable dinner they served up to staff, family and friend at Oscar’s Hangout on Thursday 1st September.  


Well done everyone and our immense gratitude and thanks go to Brad Mills (owner of Oscar’s Hangout) who ran the program, supported by Gabi Skaltsis.


STEP Advanced 3d Design


Congratulations to our 2022 STEP 3D students on some amazing 3D printed designs. From Lock-picks to Minotaur’s. ‘Thor’s fathers-day hammer’ to shopping cart tokens (Yes, they work brilliantly!). 


Mutant Minons to Star Wars hologram communicators. The students imaginations have been brimming with excitement and captivating ideas.  


STEP Year 8 Coding


At STEP Year 8 Coding, the class coded a game, chatbot or battle simulator. The students had fun over the two weeks, brainstorming ideas for their program. The class voted and the winners were Harry Heath and Nathan Bird, and a special mention goes to Joshua O’Connor. Try out the games by clicking on the links.


Cat-In-A-Box by Nathan Bird


A cat is hidden in 1 of 5 boxes. The goal is to guess which box the cat is in. To play, you enter the box you would like to check. If the cat is in this box, you win, but if it is not, the cat moves to another box directly to the left or directly to the right. You must find the cat in the least number of guesses. Finding a strategy for this game is very difficult and requires lots of problem-solving skills.



Norma the chat bot by Harry Heath


My program is a chat bot, named Norma, which asks you who you are and how you are. At the end of the beginning of the conversation the chat bot suggests that you should play trivia with it. The trivia isn’t just on one topic, but many. I have worked with two partners to finish this project.



Ronaldo chat bot by Joshua O’Connor


Hello, my name is Joshua from STEP 2022 coding. I created a python code called chat bot. In my code you are able to talk with Cristiano Ronaldo about soccer. This includes guessing his age, deciding a team he should switch to and guessing the team he is thinking of.