
Mr Jake Phin and the Wellbeing Team



A full Term Three was on the books for the first time since 2019. Busy as it may have been, the Wellbeing team enjoyed supporting and implementing some great programs across multiple year levels. Whether this was on the topics of cyber safety, body image, emotional regulation and respectful relationships, all students certainly took some learning away in these areas. Close to 80 parents, carers and community members also enjoyed hearing from Brock Bastian who spoke to his studies on resilience and the value of having experienced adversity through life.


As we look ahead to Term Four, we plan to have presenters return to work with students on emotional regulation and are looking towards 2023, with an eye on some further exciting programs. We also plan to hear from experts in our community talk on the topic of vaping in an evening for parents and carers. More information about this presentation will be provided to you all early next term.


The holidays give students a great opportunity to reset and take a break from school. As always though, the holidays are not an easy time for everyone and as such we encourage you to look out for your peers, friends and community. Please see the attached information about appropriate support services that you can engage with or recommend to those in need.


Have a safe and happy holiday break!


Jake and the Wellbeing Team


Body Kind


September is the month for being Body Kind. Body Kind is an initiative that is driven by the Butterfly Foundation that promotes us being kind to our bodies. It accepts that not everyone will love their bodies, and not everyone will love their bodies all the time.

Being body kind involves treating our bodies with kindness. It celebrates body diversity and discourages any form of body or appearance shaming, and encourages young people to be more and see past appearance. 


The Butterfly Foundation has some wonderful resources that you may feel could be helpful as a parent to have a read through if you feel that it may be beneficial to help and assist your children in accepting, appreciating and building that confidence in and around their bodies - these resources are from Body Kind Families. 

Please find the flyer and links attached. 


Being body kind is something that the wellbeing team feels strongly about and hopes to encourage all young people to achieve. 

If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out



