General Information

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to the students that celebrate their birthday in Week 3 and 4 of this term:

Lachlan Tremain, Ruby Stewart, Ryder Swift, Karter Jones, Danyela Bailey, Ethan Graham, Rosemary Wright



Our office hours are from 8:40am to 3:30pm each day. The office can become very busy at times attending to visitors, parents, students and taking phone calls. If your call is not answered PLEASE leave a message on the answering machine and the messages will be checked as soon as possible. Your message, if necessary, will be responded to with a return call.



The school will no longer be keeping any second hand uniforms. If you would like to buy second hand uniforms you can do so at St Vinnies or the Op Shop. 

If you have uniforms to donate please take them to either of these places. Thank you.



The uniform phase in period has finished. The students are now required to wear their full summer uniform.



As the year comes to an end please ensure your child has their own uniform items. If you find another child’s item of clothing it would be appreciated if you could return it to your child’s teacher so it can be returned to its owner. Please ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on all of their uniform items. 


 SUN SAFE- School Hats

The school has the rule of no hat no play. Children who forget their hat have restricted access to shared areas.

We are no longer able to lend hats to students. 


Statements for Term 4 fees have been sent home this week. Thank you to for fees received on time. 

This term's fees are due on Friday 3rd December. 

If you are experiencing difficulties at this point in time paying your fees, please contact the office to make an appointment with Mrs Jagers to discuss your current situation. 


NB: Statements were printed 20 October, 2021, therefore any payments made after this date do not show on your statement.