Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Parish Bulletin

'Remember that nothing is small, in the eyes of God. 
Do all that you do with love.'

St Thérèse of Lisieux

St Thérèse of Lisieux

Last Friday we celebrated the feast day of our school's patron saint, St Thérèse of Lisieux through a whole school liturgy and class activities.


The Feast Day of St Thérèse in the General Roman Calendar was on 3rd October from 1927 until it was moved in 1969 to 1st October. Thérèse came from a devout Catholic family. She was the youngest of nine children born to Louis and Zelie Martin, a hard-working pair who lived in Lisieux, among the apple orchards of Normandy. Louis was a jewellery and watch maker while Zelie made lace. Zelie died when Thérèse was only 4, after which time her older sister Pauline was a key influence in raising her. 


When Pauline entered the Carmelite order, Thérèse was only 8 ½ years of age, and made a commitment then to share the same vocation. Thérèse, herself, entered Carmel of Lisieux at the age of 15 and died in the same convent at the age of 24 from tuberculosis.


Louis and Zelie were also canonized as saints, making this a very unique family whereby Thérèse and both her parents were recognised as saints.


Thérèse showed a deep faith in God. She wrote often about God’s love and about her own care for others. One of her key messages was, “What matters in life is not great deeds, but great love.” She loved nature and especially flowers, and saw herself as “the little flower of Jesus”.


Please enjoy the prayers and work about St Thérèse completed by some of our students.






Grow in gratitude and empathy.

Michelle Hinds