Welcome Back!

Welcome back to our 'Living & Learning' at Curiosity.


First of all, I would like to acknowledge our team of dedicated educators who provided such a rich and engaging holiday program for our children.  Each day was thoughtfully prepared for around the interests of the children and offering something different, new and exciting each day.


Thank you to; Mrs Childs, Mrs B, Ms Lauren, Mrs Frost, Mrs Viva, Mrs Veronica, Mrs Amelia and Mrs Phoebe.

We also would like to welcome our new families to Curiosity as they join us for what will be a wonderful term of transition and celebration.  To the Day, Yates, Mohtar, Gaye, McLeod and Chui family, we welcome you and pray that your child has an amazing start at Curiosity.  

Setting the Table

Over the weekend, my family and I attended a High Tea for my niece.  Setting the table and making it look visually appealing and inviting is something that our family values.  But as much as it is about the decor and food, it is the people that are invited around the table that gives the table significance.  Knowing who is coming to the table motivates us to consider what we present at the table, how long we might stay and what conversations might be had.  Once the afternoon was finalised and we said our goodbyes, there was a posture of gratitude that my niece displayed by giving us all a hug and a heart felt, "I love you" for simply being with, and there for her on this special day.


We give time and care to things that we value to ensure that we are building into the relationships of those we hold close and dear.  This way of 'being' was a passion of Jesus', as he lived out his years as a man on earth.  At our Staff Meeting last week, we looked at the recount of Jesus visiting two sisters, Mary and Martha.  Jesus would often take time to be with others, to share a meal with them and discuss teachings around life.  In this story (Luke 10:38-42) Martha opens her home to Jesus, she gets busy preparing the house, the meal, the 'table' while Jesus was speaking with the other guests.  


Meanwhile, her sister Mary was sitting by the feet of Jesus, taking in the conversation, the teaching, the inspiration.  Mary took priority of being with Jesus, rather than becoming consumed by doing.  Mary put relationship before busyness and gave her time to building upon their relationship.  Martha, did not take this too well and asked Jesus to tell Mary that there was work to be done.  This does humour me a little, as I am sure that this was evident, however the priority in that moment was to spend as much time with Jesus.  In a loving tone, Jesus replies to her, 


"Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."


Term 4 can have a tendency to fly by, filled with many exciting events and wonderful opportunities to create memories.   It can also be a time of year that takes its toll on relationships and our wellbeing.  As a team of educators, we are committed to consider what that 'one thing' is that is needed for us to keep our joy, to ensure that we finish the year well and enjoy every moment with your children and with our families.  I encourage you to consider what that could be for you.