Head of Campus 


Change, one of the sixteen key concepts that frame the learning in the MYP, is always the hallmark of Term 4. This has never been more true than this year! 


The joyful completion of the MYP five-year Evaluation process last week marks the School’s transition from a ‘new’ to an ‘experienced’ MYP school. Led by our expert MYP Coordinator Natalie Kunst, students, staff, School Council members and parents shared what it means to be part of this wonderful community. Our visiting team was amazed by their experience in the classroom, in meetings with all stakeholders, and on a very special virtual school tour. They acknowledged the huge amount of work that had gone into preparing for the visit and concluded their time with us with a very high estimation of the School's delivery and development of the MYP programme. The visiting team was impressed with the School's vision and plans for future growth in the MYP and officially welcomed Preshil into the community of ‘experienced’ MYP schools. As one member said, “I have been Preshilised!” This transition experience has instilled us all with pride for our School and community.


In the same week as our MYP programme moved into a new phase, so too did our Year 12 cohort. Officially finishing classes last Thursday, students and Year 12 teachers spent the day on Friday celebrating this important milestone. Their wonderful achievement was commemorated by some of Preshil’s oldest traditions of planting a tree, painting the Year 12 wall, the Chuppa Chup awards, the giving of gifts, sharing a meal and speeches. While Valedictory looked different this year, students still donned the hat, sat on the chaise longue, took the microphone and told us their story. There was laughter, tears, a taco truck and much admiration for this resilient and dedicated group of young people. While students work towards this moment all their lives, it is a significant turning point of change. Our Class of 2021 has faced this with courage and determination and we wish them all the very best for their upcoming exams. 


As we farewell our Year 12s, we welcome our Year 7s transitioning from primary to secondary school. This latter right of passage is a huge milestone for both students and parents and to help support this change we are hosting a number of transition events. These events started at the beginning of Term 4 for students at Arlington with weekly Q & A sessions with various senior teachers and in Week 3 for all families new and continuing with a ‘Meet the Teachers’ zoom. This transition will be further supported by an information session on Wednesday 10 November 6pm and a Transition Day for all students to experience life at BK on Wednesday 17 November, culminating in a family BBQ and Preshil’s Junior Film Festival screening. We hope that both parents and students alike feel excited and hopeful for this big change.

Term 4 marks the end of the MYP journey for our Year 10 students and the transition into the Diploma Programme. Concluding with the ‘Very Big Tests’ and an MYP celebration on Friday 12 November, the Year 10 students will embark on their DP journey with the Early Commencement Programme in Week 7. Following the DP information session and subject expo in Term 3, students chose the subjects that they are most passionate about pursuing in the Diploma. Should these selections need to be revisited after the results from the 'Very Big Tests' are released, students and parents should make contact with me to discuss the options. The School may also choose to initiate a meeting to ensure that students have chosen an achievable path in Years 11 and 12. This change in programme brings a new sense of seriousness and purpose to student learning that is both exciting and daunting. Students will be supported to take on this new challenge through the Early Commencement Programme with sessions on study and research skills, subject sessions, self-management and Managebac, wellbeing and learning support options and understanding the Core program and assessment process. 


While the transition back to school is a welcome change it can bring feelings of anxiety and apprehension and the teachers are well aware of this. The teachers and year level coordinators will guide this change with kindness and care, and will support students to reignite their positive associations with the school environment. Like students, teachers are also experiencing challenges with the constantly changing learning environment and with the return to school, and the need to flip classes between online and face-to-face, they too will also need to be approached with kindness and patience. Remembering that we are all in this together and need to support one another in each transition with care and compassion will help our community to continue to grow and embody what it is to become ‘Preshilised’!  


Karoline Kuti

Head of Campus
