Celebrating the Class of 2021


Last Friday marked the final day for our Class of 2021. A morning of great costumes, shenanigans, laughs and tears was the perfect remedy to the many lonely weeks of lockdown and remote learning.

The day began with students making their mark (literally) on the School by painting the Year 12 mural (as well as a few body parts). This was followed by an impromptu obstacle course race on the front lawn - an irony not lost on Kris Austin who has still not recovered from attempting to get any of them to try gymnastics in Year 10! As the mural dried, students gathered on the front lawn to plant a lemon myrtle tree dedicated to the cohort, as something for the school community to enjoy for years to come.

Students then made their way to the Cage for a socially-distanced Chupa-Chup Awards ceremony, where every student is nominated by their teachers for a number of special awards for their 'achievements'. This included awards of note such as the Best Excuse For Not Doing Homework (“I kinda forgot about doing work after my birthday and the holidays started”), the Nick Carter Award for Best Boy Band Haircuts and The Amy Byrne Memorial Award For Epic General Knowledge.


Teachers then took a moment to share their memories, admiration and appreciation for the young adults we have had the honour of knowing and working with during their time at Preshil. Many reminisced fondly of experiences they had shared with the cohort as they made their way up through the School.


As is the valedictory tradition at Preshil, each student was invited to get up on stage to perch on the chaise longue and don the top hat, and say a few words about their time at Preshil. From what they each said, it is clear that for our students, Preshil is many things. It is a place of growth, challenge, joy, freedom and healing for students who have spent their entire school journey here, or have joined us later along the way. One student said: ”At Preshil, I  discovered all the things I was allowed to be.” In a single sentence they encapsulated what it is to be a student at Preshil - to be appreciated for your individuality and allowed to be unapologetically yourself. This is certainly true of our Class of 2021 who have become confident and self-assured individuals, despite the challenges they have had to overcome in recent times and throughout their schooling. 


Sated with a delicious taco lunch, hand-crafted artisan gelatos and amazing donuts, the students went on their merry way, and later wrapped up the day with an online event to bring together teachers, students and families to acknowledge this milestone for all involved. It was a chance to pop the bubbly, kindly supplied by the School Council, and make a virtual toast to our soon-to-be graduates.

Classes may be over, but we aren’t saying goodbye just yet. As our Year 12s go off into their study period, we wish them all the best with their revision and their exams. We are still here to support them, and their families, throughout the coming weeks and beyond. I know that for myself, and for the other teachers who have had the pleasure of knowing these (weird and) wonderful human beings, we couldn’t be prouder of what they have achieved so far and we can’t wait to see what they do in the future.








Cat Pacitti

Year 12 Coordinator
