Connecting to Learning in the DP: Music

Photo: Karoline Kuti, Director of Music, with Year 11students


Ebony and Max
Ebony and Max

For the Year 12 Music students, the past few weeks have been a mad scramble to the end! Completing portfolio work and tidying up submissions is no easy job.


These two amazing students - Max and Ebony - have inspired one another, and me, in their tenacity to keep going despite the many challenges that have been thrown their way. The fruits of their dedicated practice over many years have resulted in beautiful performances and compositions. I am sure that these passionate musicians will keep music close to their hearts for life. 



The Year 11 Music cohort is currently working to complete their first portfolio: Exploring Music in Context. Each portfolio seeks to develop a student's understanding of what it means to be a well-rounded musician through research, performance and creation.


The Exploring Music in Context portfolio requires students to investigate and analyse music from diverse genres and to base a one-minute creation on one of the works as well as an adaptation of another. They are currently bringing their analysis and research together into a 2400 word report and rationale of the practical work.


Students have engaged in analysing and exploring music from the traditions of Western Art Music, Indigenous Music, Nationalistic Music, Digital Music and many more, and have taken inspiration from this new found understanding to create their own music as well as to adapt a work for their chosen instrument. The adaptation represents the performance aspect of this portfolio so the student is challenged to identify the characteristics that make their chosen work unique sounding and to develop innovative ways of recreating these features on their own instrument in order to emulate the original work. While this portfolio pushes students out of their comfort zone and develops all their skills and understandings, it is an exciting exploration that has led to some incredible work.

Karoline Kuti

Director of Music