Junior Sport

This week in PE we had live classes using MS Teams! The Year 5 - 6 students were first, and focused on target games in preparation for the Golf unit. Students in Year 3 - 4 learnt about pivoting in netball games and the Prep - Year 2 students began to practise the long jump, as we prepare for the Prep - Year 2 Athletics event.


Students have also had the opportunity to participate in the October-thon, a challenge where students are pushed to complete a range of movements for as long as they can. Movements include walking, running, balancing, and or bouncing a ball. It was fantastic to see the students, even if it was online. We saw many parents and siblings also join the call to enjoy physical activity. Well done to every student who was able to join the call and gave the PE activities a go!


Charlotte practising her balancing
Tѐa, Roman and Ayva practising their Long Jump ...
... then flying through the air
Charlotte practising her balancing
Tѐa, Roman and Ayva practising their Long Jump ...
... then flying through the air


Joshua Gaschk

Junior School Sport Teacher