Chaplain's Corner

God is a creative God


I wonder, do you consider yourself as creative? In Junior Chapel last week, we talked about how being creative is being able to come up with, or make, cool stuff.


Sometimes we make things with our imaginations! Other times with our words and other times with our hands. Some people like to draw, others like to play music, maybe even come up with their own songs, or rhymes, or poems. It was my birthday last week and Levi, my son, created an incredible hip hop rap song for me as one of my presents. So creative! 


God seems to give each of us special giftings that are just for us. For some, it is as though He gives an extra bit of confidence and dramatic ability, or they may be good at comedy, or putting on plays, acting things out, or good at public speaking. To some, He might give the ability to think things through deeply, to write and interpret and to teach. Also to some, He might give the ability to be really good with their hands or their feet, with good hand eye coordination. They might be good at sports, or fixing things, or building things.


You are a gift from God. Did you know that? You are individual and unique; there is no one on the planet like you. Never before has there been, and never again will there be, someone just like you!


God is a creative God. He is the maker of everything; the heavens and the earth and everything on it. He created you and me, and He made us on purpose, for a purpose. There it is, right at the beginning of the Bible, the very first words. This is how the Bible begins, with the attention-getter, the scene-setter.., it says in Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth


What do we learn from this verse?

  • There was a start, a beginning to all this. The world wasn’t, then it was. God spoke and the world, and everything on it, began!
  • Second thing we learn - everything we know and see around us had a creator. It wasn’t a fluke or an accident. God created.
  • Third, God is creative. He created. He made. Not only did He make, but He gave life and purpose to His creation.

The Bible also tells us, in Genesis 1:27, that we are created in the image of God. We are created in His likeness. That means, when He created Adam and Eve, and then through the generations, eventually you and me, He put a little bit of Himself in each of us. So when you look at your reflection in the mirror, or in a stream or a pond, you are seeing just a little glimpse of the likeness of God!


That’s why you are creative! You were born creative, because you are a creation of God. God made you this way. So be proud of your best bits, your strengths and your unique abilities, because God made you that way on purpose. One day, down the track, in the future, it will be revealed exactly why! 


Maybe, just maybe, God has made you good with words, because you’ll be a writer or a speaker who will convince people to be kinder to one another, or to follow God wholeheartedly.


Maybe God has made you good at science, because one day you will create a cure for cancer, or COVID, or some other nasty sickness and see the sick become well.


Maybe God has made you good at music or art, so you can use your unique and special abilities to create joy and peace in people’s lives.


Maybe God has made you good with your hands, or good at sport, to build and create homes for people to live in and grow and build memories, or to inspire others to greater things, or simply to bring fun into their lives.


God is a creative God, who makes creative people. It’s our job to do that, all for the glory of God! That is an act of worship.


God bless,


Ps Matt Daly
