Secondary School News

Room 20


Room 20 Students have kicked off a great year being the first group of JSA students starting the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC), formally known as Foundation VCAL.


Many of the students have commenced a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT), and are heading out to work and training two days each week.  These students not only access work-based training but are also working towards gaining a Certificate II or III in a nationally accredited certificate.  A smaller number of students have opted to attend VET instead of SBAT taking the opportunity to gain qualifications in Outdoor Recreation and Music Industries. 


Term one offers VPC students a busy schedule, with many excursions planned.  We recently visited Pound Bend, located in the Warrandyte State Park, where students learnt about the life of Wurundjeri people and the changes that disrupted their traditional way of living.  Excursions planned later in the term include visiting the Road to Zero exhibition at Melbourne Museum, learning about caring for animals at Werribee Zoo and undertaking a teamwork program on the Polly Woodside. 

Rob and Kerry VPC Teachers