Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill

Sarah Hill
Sarah Hill

We are officially settled into 2023. Classroom routines and structures are being consolidated and learning is coming to the forefront. Teachers have been busy coordinating student support meetings (SSG's), asking plenty of questions about your children and then using this to develop plans to support your child in the classroom. It has been wonderful to see these conversations in action, and partnerships being established between both teachers, ES staff, parents, guardians and of course allied health professionals, all aimed at promoting success for your child. Our hope is for a year of learning, opportunity and growth, aligned to the goals outlined for your child.


If you feel a follow-up meeting is required with your child's classroom teacher please ensure you reach out. As previously mentioned, communication is key. Your child's classroom teacher is one of many supports available to you, and so, the more they know, the better they can support you. 



As part of JSA's 10-year anniversary celebrations, the MSS will be heading to BOUNCE for a day of fun and laughter. If you have not yet provided permission for your child to go, please do so by contacting the office.



Middle Schoolers are now taking on the role of coordinating fortnightly assemblies. Rooms 14 and 15 did a fabulous job presenting to us the first assembly for the year, which is now available on Seesaw to review. Up very soon will be the next Middle Sub School Assembly which will be conducted in Rooms 10 and 11. We can’t wait to see it! A huge congratulations to our students who received an award- we see you and we are proud of you. Well done.


Room 11

Term 1 is now well underway, and the students of Room 11 have settled in. We enjoy our daily routines. We like completing arts and crafts in the chatterbox, drawing activities, and playing with our friends. We love going to the library on Fridays and have lots of fun playing with games and toys. We are learning about mindfulness, making videos for assembly, and how to take turns and share.