Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

  • Callan and Erwon for demonstrating JSA Expected Behaviour - Looking after Property- Packing away equipment.

Room 2

  • Ransher, for having a great first week and settling into the classroom 
  • Ahyan, for listening to teacher instructions in the classroom.

Room 3

  • Amel has demonstrated he can look after himself by helping to apply sunscreen.
  • Celine has demonstrated she can make the "ssss" sound with support.

Room 4

  • Lenny has demonstrated great leader skills and has been a mentor in our classroom. We are very proud of Lenny's listening skills and positive attitude to learning.
  • Emjay has demonstrated good enthusiasm during our storytime. He has shown a love for stories and has loved this time during classroom time. 

Room 5

  • Enver, for doing a great job transitioning off the bus
  • Mikaeel, for his improvement in speech sounds and communication

Room 6

  • River, For trying hard to transition into the classroom and listening to teacher instructions.
  • Ali, has demonstrated he can work well independently and shows good motivation while participating in all class activities.

Room 7

  • Mason and Zayd as Room 7s students of the week.

Room 8

  • All of Room 8 for welcoming and working well with their new teacher 

Room 9

  • Rafael for requesting what he wants using the visuals on staff lanyards
  • Connor for following staff directions and completing work tasks with increasing independence