Facilities News 

 Denise Clarke                   Frances Hansen

Capital Works Manager     Facilities Manager


Capital Works Report

Inclusive School Fund - Sensory Building

Progress is very evident with the siding completed on the exterior walls waiting for painting. The plasterers have been diligently plastering the inside of the building. Hopefully, by the end of the week, the interior painting will have commenced. 

There is still landscaping to be completed around the building and some new fencing to be installed.

Exterior panels being painted
Exterior panels being painted
Inside Sensory room
Inside Sensory room












Yaluk Capital Works Program

It would appear that there is very little movement on this building as trenching on the perimeter of the building continues for the installation of fire services and water. In the next week, there will be more trenching for sewer and storm water pipes. These are very necessary to the overall functioning of the finished building and are not the most exciting aspect of the building.


We have also replaced one of our security cameras so photographs of the building process will  be better - see below. Thank you to Loc who facilitated the change

Old camera
Old camera
New camera viewing construction
New camera viewing construction




Facilities Managers Report


Student Lunches

Parents are reminded that staff are unable to heat up students’ food at lunchtime. 

Classrooms do have sandwich makers and at times staff will toast students' sandwiches if required.


Students who require warm lunches are requested to bring their hot food in a wide-mouth vacuum flask.  Some examples include:  


