
Principal News Flash 


Stephanie Di Salvo, Dan Moloney & Eva Primarolo


2023 Transition

A return to school can be both an exciting and emotional time for students and families, particularly during the first weeks of Term 1. During the last few weeks of Term 4 last year, JSA strategically allocated professional learning opportunities for staff to plan for student transitions.  


The Transition Week Curriculum Day Program undertaken during the second last week of Term 4 last year, provided the opportunity for both teachers and ES staff, to prepare for the individual learning support needs of their new students. The program supported students to prepare for expected changes, including being in a new classroom, setting up and familiarising themselves with new routines, and working with different staff and students. 

Prior to the commencement of Transition Week, social stories/scripts were designed for students to explain the expected changes to their school routine and experiences. 


Stories and scripts were designed using a range of symbols, photographs, written words, and objects. During this time, teachers and ES staff referred to Student Profile data, to identify and plan for targeted strategies that would support their student's individual learning and support needs.


It has been wonderful to see our students transition so well into their new classrooms and to see them engaged in classroom activities. It has been an absolute joy to observe our students so excited and eager to return to onsite learning and to be reconnecting with their staff and peers. Congratulations to all of our students who have made a positive start to the school year!


School Attendance

Daily school attendance is important for young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally.  Young people who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives.  


Jacana School for Autism supports our students to develop important skills, knowledge and values which set them up for further learning and participation in their community. The school places great importance on all students being at school on time, every day the school is open for instruction.


We understand that sometimes transitioning your child to school may be difficult. We support our school community by working with parents/carers and external services to improve student attendance and to discuss strategies that will support smoother transitions and school engagement. 


If you would like to discuss strategies regarding attendance, please do not hesitate to contact Stephanie Di Salvo (Assistant Principal) - Email: | mobile: 0459 805 044


School-Wide Breakfast Club

Research shows that a child's ability to concentrate in class, self-regulate and learn is negatively impacted if they are hungry. It has been reported that the rising cost of living makes it increasingly difficult particularly for low-income families and families living in poverty to provide enough healthy food for all the family each week. 


Our School-Wide Breakfast Club has been rolled out, to support families and students to receive access to nutritious food items while at school. 


A huge thanks to Sara Parsons (Classroom Teacher -Room 11), Karen Mahoney (Classroom Teacher - Room 14) and Stacie Herman (Mental Health Practitioner), for overseeing the implementation of the program and for supporting our students to partake in the program by preparing and delivering food items across the school.