The Rite Journey

The Calling and Departure Ceremony

Week 3 saw the commencement of one of the most important aspects of the Year 9 pastoral care program, the Calling and Departure ceremony for The Rite Journey.

Each night saw a different Form group meeting at Lesmurdie Falls for a sunset ceremony to officially commence the challenge of the year ahead.

The boys were joined by parents and loved ones who were acknowledged for their part in supporting and creating the young men before them, as well as challenged to continue that support over the coming year. The weather and conditions were fantastic for these evenings and the unique perspectives offered by the various Form teachers for each evening meant that each group was able to stamp their own identity on the ceremony.


I am incredibly appreciative of the boys, their parents and the staff who made each evening an individual success, and set a strong foundation for the year ahead with the Rite Journey.



Sam Dawson

Head of Year 9