Year 8

Overcoming Obstacles to Becoming Super Organised!

As Year 8 students progress towards the busy assessment periods in Week 5 and Week 6, they are often faced with the challenging task of managing multiple assignments, tests, and deadlines. To give them the best chance of achieving their personal excellence, it is essential for students to develop strong organisational skills. These skills help students to prioritise their tasks, stay on top of their workload, and manage their time effectively. So far this term, students have focused on the following tools and skills to adopt to enhance their academic performance:


The College Diary

Homework is a crucial part of the academic journey, and recording it is an important aspect of staying on top of academic work. One of the most effective ways of keeping track of homework is by using a diary. In Year 8, students are asked to note their subjects for each day into their diary and then to record relevant homework beside each subject. Whilst homework is now available on Seqta, the process of writing homework into the diary serves as a memory aid. In addition, the College diary is also used as a communication tool between parents and teachers.


The After-School Planner

Last week all students were given a re-usable Mazenod College After-School Planner to fill in and keep in their home study area. The After-School Planner helps students to develop skills such as prioritisation, time management, planning and goal setting. By filling out the planner students can manage their time and workload more effectively. Setting goals and having the goals visible on the planner also helps students to focus on their efforts and track their progress.



Lockers are an essential part of the school experience, and they provide students with a safe and secure place to store their belongings. An organised, tidy locker can help students to manage their time more effectively. When students can quickly and easily find the items they need, they can avoid wasting time searching for the correct book. Having a system for organising their notes, books and materials helps students to feel less stressed, less rushed, and more relaxed. A tidy locker is also a more hygienic locker when it is clear of rubbish, leftover food and empty food and drink containers.


Thank you to Joshua, Tom and Travis for sharing their excellent organisational skills.


Jane Cox

Head of Year 8