Faith and Mission

An Ash Wednesday Reflection

Jesus, you place on my forehead the sign of my sister Death: 

“Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”


How not hear her wise advice? Teach us to remember our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart. O Jesus, you place on my forehead the sign of your saving cross. These days of favour leave a blessing as you pass on me and all your people. Turn O Lord God, and we shall turn to you.


Ash Wednesday and Project Compassion Launch

This week we begin the season of Lent. This will continue until the end of the term – Holy Thursday. During Lent we are called to find ways to become more prayerful, mindful of others by giving alms and to fast on particular days. This is done to encourage us to develop a stronger relationship with God. During this time students are encouraged to give generously to Project Compassion – where money is given to overseas mission work.  

On Shrove Tuesday, Mazenod College participated in the formal launch of Project Compassion along with over 40 schools in the Archdiocese. This event was held online, with a liturgy and various presenters talking about the theme “For all future generations”. Members of Young Vinnies from every year group reflected on ways in which Mazenod can play its part in promoting and supporting Project Compassion for Lent in 2023. We look forward to hearing about their ideas going forward!


Thank you to Mr Pabst, Ms Biffin and Mr Keogh for facilitating.

Morning Masses and Ash Wednesday

Mass is celebrated in the chapel every morning at 8:00am, except Wednesdays, being 8:10am. Everyone is warmly invited. This week was hosted by Year 11 and involved the distribution of Ashes for Ash Wednesday.

Sacramental Program

A letter has been sent to parents/caregivers regarding students who may wish to receive the sacraments for the first time. If you have any questions, please email for further information.


Remembering the Sick or Passed Members of Our Community

Should you wish to have prayers said for a family member or friend, or an anniversary is coming up, we can publish their names in our school newsletter. The names will also be mentioned at our morning masses.


Please contact Mr John Keogh should you wish to add a name:

Christian Service Learning

We have begun the “Hands of Eugene” program for 2023, with Year 12 students visiting Mary’s Mount Primary School on Tuesday mornings, to assist students with maths and reading. This program is in its 5th year and a great partnership to continue. Thank you to the Year 12s who have volunteered so far.

Flower Roster Volunteers


John Keogh

Director of Faith and Mission (acting)