Learning Gallery
AP/LoP News
Parent Information Night
On Tuesday, we held our Parent Information Night sessions in each classroom. The Parent Information Night sessions effectively allow our classroom teachers to communicate class routines, organisational details, student-friendly language about Our Living Well, Learning Well Student Support Framework and helpful information about our whole school's uninterrupted Literacy Block, including Talk Homework and the Big Write. Thank you to all the families who were able to attend. Your time is appreciated.
Each presentation has been communicated via Compass and is available to view in your newsfeed.
Learning Gallery: A View Into Our Classrooms
One of the many positive parts of my day is spending time in our classrooms, watching, supporting and listening to our students learn.
Take a look at the below photos inside our collaborative classrooms!
Readers are Leaders in Stage 3...
Stage 2: Take a look at these clever authors at work …
Take a look at these beginning authors…
Stage 1 Big Write Atmosphere
Kindergarten Students are Sensational Learners...
Warm regards,
Mrs Elise Baird
Assistant Principal/Leader of Pedagogy
MaST News
It has been wonderful to see students from Kindergarten to Year 6 actively engaged in a range of hands-on activities during our Numeracy Blocks this term. Our students have worked diligently to deconstruct the Learning Intention for their units of work by using student-friendly language to deepen their understanding of what they are learning. Lyn Sharratt states that
If learning goals...and co-constructed success criteria are clear, visible in classrooms, and understood by students, students are more likely to be successful and hence engaged more readily.
We call our Maths Walls in our classroom the “Third Teacher” as it is a space for students to independently go for help during their lessons to build resilience and become problem solvers.
Mrs Elise Avery
MaST Coordinator
This fortnight in mathematics, Stage 1 has been learning all about time. We have been learning to describe, compare and order the durations of events, using calendars, and have been learning to read half-hour and quarter-hour time on analogue and digital clocks.
Students have enjoyed engaging in hands-on activities, such as calendar bingo, manually displaying times on analogue clocks and actively identifying dates and special events on a calendar.
If you would like to continue to support your child’s learning, we encourage parents to regularly engage in everyday discussions about time.
Mrs Brooke Woodhill and Miss Alice Woodhill
Leaders of Learning (Stage 1)